Thursday, July 7, 2011

and yet another update

Well, Jim feels lousy.

For those in the medical field. All those meds aren't helping.

For those w/ homeopathic interest, magnesium baths, probiotics, baking soda, not helping either.

I am worn out. We actually talked about Jim going into an assisted living home so they can take care of him, while I sell the house, cause doing everything is so hard in so many ways. But I just can't do that. My dad was in one of them too long. And I would never visit Jim, so... Plus, they smell like pee, and well... We are stuck. Really stuck. We can't stay, we can't move. We can't sell the cottage, we can't keep it. I can't cut the grass, I can't get anyone to cut the grass. Now Jim's trying to eat no sugar and, what? I'm supposed to learn how to cook in a new way? I don't think so.

As for the grass, here's what I'm thinking. Jim was going to draw out an addition to our shed. I was going to go to Home Depot and pick up the supplies, and then we were going to ask Bill or someone to organize as many nephews as possible to come and put the addition to the shed on. Then I was going to bring home the tractor from the cottage, or buy a small one. Then I could cut the grass and easily cut around the areas that the tractor won't do. But we need a shed to house it. We haven't asked anyone yet. Know why? Jim is too sick to draw out an addition. So nix that idea. I cut the grass after waiting as long as I could, and just as I predicted, Tom comes to cut Ann's grass, thereby giving him an "out" to doing ours. Uh, Tom, you could have just said no. He wouldn't even look our way. I tried to hire someone. God, I thought you even provided him. Nope. That didn't work.

I don't know what to say anymore. Jim lays down. I work. I hate summers anymore. I hate snow. I hate anything that gives more work. Autumn leaves, and springs weeds. Holidays stink. There are no vacations. Um, let me see. Well, I guess you get the gist of it.

Yep, I'm so very sad and rather than just say that, and ask for prayers that I could change my sadness into joy by looking at the many gifts I do have from God, I crank, or I drive to the shop and save so I can cry in my car.


Anonymous said...

I think none of us know what to say...except we love you, and we're praying...


Anonymous said...

To Gloria & Jim's Friends & Relatives :

I know what to say.

You all need to get off ya a...s and offer some real help. You MUST All turn up to G&J's home at 10am next Saturday 16 July and be prepared to write your names down on a roster for fortnightly & monthly tasks to do (a) home mowing (b) cottage mowing (c) minor repairs around the home (d) put some oil & petrol in the mowers & vehicles (e) make sure the air con & heating appliances at the home & cottage all work fine, and (f) someone to stay and look after Jim for a couple of days each month, and finally (g) take Gloria away for two days respite each month.

Take a copy of this Message with you.

Don't hesitate. Don't ring and ask Gloria or Jim. Nike - just Do It ! Don't take no for an answer.

Don't expect to be catered for at Sat Lunch on 16th. Take your own.

I've been around on this earth long enough to know what a genuine cry for help sounds like. If you don't act now to help G & J you won't have 'em around much longer.

Yes - I'm rude and blunt. Someone has to be. Yes - many have helped heaps but there's more to do. Serious.

The other week I answered a newspaper adv from a lady wanting help to set up a support group for PEG Feeding. I answered the adv and visited her (age 65) and her older husband who was struggling to cope. Took me 4 hours to organise her and the hubby. You know the highlight of her day???? .... having a cuppa tea - only a mouthful which she then has to spit out. If any friends / rellies of G & J are on PEG Feed I excuse you from going next Sat 16th..... otherwise no excuses. The visit and actions are a priority.

Put your Christian principles into action to save lives and at least return some dignity to Gloria & Jim.

At least show me what being American really means !

Love to you All


Anonymous said...

Gulp. I just signed on after my last post. Thanks for the prayers K and the offer for Larry.

Gaz, I wish you lived here in America. You remind me of Jim's brother Bill. You would love him.

I'm not sure many read the other comments. If they do, they aren't going to own up to reading yours. ;) I will say this to you. This is the person that YOU are. YOU are awesome. It's what made me love you when I first met you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gazza, all that so true I would galdly do #G on the list and my sister away for a bit, i tried mowing, lets say men's work & non allergy folks.I'd sit any time with Jimbo. so if my hubby out of hospital by the 16th i be honored to sign up. if he's not consider this my john handcock for august respite to erie or cottage. drive jim to doc appt too, love you both

Anonymous said...

G&J >
Isn't it sweet that the first blog posting to offer help came from the lovely delectable Katerinka - Trumpy's Miss Russia from Volgograd.

Sister to G >

This may sound like me going soft (I wouldn't want to give that impression) but you are indeed a decent caring genuine sister to my Mate Gloria.

Now, assuming there'll be an avalanche of people turning up at 10am on Sat 16th, my bet is that your offer of a once a month respite of two days away break for Gloria may turn into a once a quarter for you as others will help fill the roster. At the same time of the respite, the roster will need to have someone fill those two days keeping an eye on Jim.

The Plan is to have a F/N & Mthly Roster with set care tasks, have it 100% filled by committed friends & rellies, and then have it circulated among all.

A bright young tekkie nephew or niece is needed to draw up a spreadsheet to represent the roster.

Sister - 'cause you were the first to sign-on to the Wible Run Care Roster - I'm going to send you a gift C/- G&J.

Luvs ya's All, but a bit angry that not too many bloggers have put their hands up yet ! See you 10am Saturday 16 Jul.
