Tuesday, January 18, 2011

oh My

ok. typing w/ 1 hand why? sprained badly or broke wrist, pray it's not that. i worry because last bone scan last month showed i'm 1 point away from osteoporosis, got ,,oenia now. i'll wait a few days to get exray cause jim has 2 doc appts 2day and tomorrow.

"no friend" cooment doesn't mean you are not my friend, but that i don't engage w/ peeps in that manner because i can't be a friend cause i have no energy,

So today's challenge,,, get out of the door to the icet sidewalk to the driveway that is a sheet of ice, to chip ice off van, to salt the driveway, and showrr and drive jim to doc,,,all with one hand. Nice.

Yes, Jim is still in extreme pain and is yelling at me to cancel his appt cause he's afraid i'll break a hip. it's a zoo hear.

honey baked ham for dinner. YUM YUM. Thanks guys. I still can'/t believe you're worried about us when you got your own stuff. My oh my. And we got chinese on Sunday too. another yummy dinner. Tanks to u 2, 2 nice visits.

pray also for my sister in law Judy. she has swlloen lynph nodes (hate those words tremendously) around lungs. I'm so worried for her. We're prayin over here Judy. Don't want to bug you, but call when you get ANY tests back.

ok one finger stuff is hard, ttul, SO,,,PRAY FOR JUDY AND MY WRIST, THANKS.

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