Friday, June 25, 2010

we're home

Hi all:

We're home. I have a bed to sleep in and clean clothes. :) Well, not really. I have to do laundry.

Docs came in without their masks and gloves, so we knew something was up. Turns out it's not viral, what is in his lungs.

He did test positive for a staph infection. They loaded up the port with antibiotics. It could be from that. He also tested positive for some other type of bacteria. They know what class it's in, but not what family. Anyway, they sent him home on some very strong antibiotics.

We have to go back next week. I am NOT happy. There goes the 4th of July and the cottage. Jim will have to have another CT scan, more antibiotics put in the port, and more tests will be done.

We will then have to go back when antibiotic treatment is over to again do the pulmonary tests.

There are mixed ideas, opinions, and outcomes in regards to the aspergillis and Graft Versus Host Disease. They think Jim has aspergillis, but whether he has aspergillis pneumonia, they're not certain of...yet. One doc things GVHD is possible, another thinks, because it's so rare, that it's not. But Jim's cancer being rare and such. Anyway...

Pray for me. I am worn out. No sleep with the sleep apnea. I didn't bring my sleeping stuff to NIH because I just don't care anymore, but I am exhausted. Having to go back next week just makes me want to cry, and I have tons of laundry, bills to pay, cleaning, etc. I couldn't wait to come home to play in the garden. Yeah. Right.

I am certainly considing stopping the blog. I seem to be a broken record reporting negative things. It is what it is. When we're feeling funky because of bad attitude, we try to check it, but really this isn't about bad attitude yet. We are just overwhelmed.

"God will never give you more than you can handle" is NOT a bible quote. Quite often he does give you more than you can handle, so that you need him and have to draw on him so desperately, and then having done that, you hand on to your hope. But it's a hard thing, and typing it here...I don't know. I'm more and more isolated from life and people, and sitting here...I don't know....

So, I'm not even sure of what I'm reporting. Basically, it could be all the things we've mentioned or not. Nothing we didn't know before. And....WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE NIH NEXT WEEK. We leave next Wednesday. How despressing. You all have a nice 4th. paaaaa.


Kelly said...

So bummed to read you are going to be away for the 4th. Just had a little flash back to one of your pool parties at your old house years ago... the one with the red-headed "Carmela" mermaid pinata.

Thinking of you both as you struggle... I've been offline for almost a month with all the house drama. (Nothing goes smoothly in The Money Pit!) I'll keep checking in to see how everything is going.

Anonymous said...

Don't even know what to say. That is for sure the bible doesn't say God won't give you more than you can handle, but I will keep praying, Try to remember your sleep apnea equipment and drive carefully.

Anonymous said...

Hey Baldauffs,
We are sending our prayers and love your way. I just finished reading aloud to the kids a biography of Joni Eareackson Tada and was reminded of your situation (and ours) more than once. I don't know if you have the time or inclination to read, but we were all blessed by it. I can mail it to you if you want it. We are headed to Cincinnati for another three-week therapy session. As always, I have mixed feelings about going, but I look forward to seeing how God will use this time on all fronts.

Much love,
Amy (for the Smiths)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly. I have missed "hearing" from you. Kim did tell me you finally moved in. God bless you. I bet you're been very busy. I died laughing at the read-headed "carmela" mermaid pinata. You never know what it is that someone is going to remember when you invite them over. ;) I miss some things about those old days. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy

I miss you. So much for knitting... Thanks for the prayers. It's funny how many people think that quote is in the bible, verbatim, anyway.

Amy. Thanks for the book offer. I have already read it. It is good. Have a safe trip to Cincinnati. I miss you very much. I love seeing the pics of the kids on Facebook. The one of Hannah riding her bike made me cry. I loved her smile. God bless you guys.