Monday, April 19, 2010


Jim broke his toe last week. The doc will reveal whether he needs to have a pin in it or a foot cast or he can walk on it in Israel. We're thinking/praying the later, but who knows.

Never a dull day.

He hardly did anything. Pray his bones aren't that brittle. I know they are from chemo, but not THAT brittle. He tried to nudge something a 1/2 inch.

Oh, I have so many things that I could write, but I won't. I want to respond to those of you who have responded to my last blog and I will a bit later. I HAVE to get something done right now.

This is funny. Pray for his Toe.

Oh, someone asked how we are affording Israel with Jim not working 2 years. Well, can you believe that someone is treating us. Amazing, huh?

Love us


Judy said...

We will pray for his toe, and everything that is connected to it!

mary jo said...

Can't believe it!! What next? It's a good thing we know God is sovereign or we would all be cuckoo. I will certainly be praying for that foot and your peace of mind. Love,MJB&JB