Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to Jim

Well, I was going to get all contemplative and all, but I just can't go there. I was going to take you down another journey, but when I checked the date to make sure it actually was this day last year, I started to read last year's journal and saw the pics of Jim and all. It's crazy, freaky, unreal.

Last year was Jim's stemcell transplant. It's been 1 year today. I can't get over it. So slow of a year, so fast. So challenging, so filled with personal growth. It's been filled with fear and hope. Spiritual growth and spiritual questions. Filled with soooooo many questions. Our lives are still filled with questions. It's been filled with blessings and love lavished on us, and yet it's been filled with loneliness. Long drives, hotels in and out, lodges, shots, blood tests, Jim never getting out of bed. Strings. LET'S NOT GO THERE... Go read for yourselves. I can't go there. Not because it's a sad ending, it's not. But it's like I haven't recovered yet. Why do I want to talk about it, when I just lived it. And we still are. So, maybe I'll post in a few days something profound. LOL.

Life keeps taking a chunk out of our butts. I had a wonderful lunch with a friend, to come home to find out that our health insurance converts to medicare and such. Not sure if I'm covered and such. Meanwhile the day before...THE DAY BEFORE Jim talked to PPG Human Resources with questions to find he must have spoken to someone who didn't know anything. Anyway, we still have this daily trauma stuff, one thing after another, but it's changed. It's impact has changed. So, well, when I get profound, maybe I"ll share. LOL.

But I do have to say this. JIM IS DOING MAWWWWWWWVALOUS.

What we want to know is does this make Jim 68 years old since it's his stem cells that make it Jim's birthday???? THANKS BROTHER BOB. WE THINK OF YOU SOOOOOOOO OFTEN. Without your sacrifice our Jimmy wouldn't be here. Go look at this date last year, on the blog. There's a picture of Bob. All covered up with bubbles because the procedure for him could lower his temp and all. He looked so tired when he visited Jim. Wow.

Well, I'm going to watch the olympics with my Jumbo. I wanted to have a party for him, but I just couldn't do it. Will I ever be normal again? I don't feel so. But today, while Jim went to the doctor himself and to the store, I went and sat with a friend and talked for 4 hours, and she taught me more about knitting, and it was sweet. ANNNNND, I came home, and there was not phone calls about my dad, nothing bad in the mail, well, it was actually a normal day. String a few of them together, and I'll have a whole week. Bring it on. AND IT DIDN'T SNOW. Wow.

Saw a great sign on the way to my friends. It was a church sign. It say. Punxsatawny Phil, we know where you live. LOL. I loved it.

Okay, Jim says it's his birthday and I'm not paying attention to him. LOL. I gotta go.

Bye for now


k2shine said...

well if the stem cell doesnt give movitation for celebration thank God for Jimbo, then I'm off the hook getting up in front of everyone and Humming. Oh yeah thank Lord I dont have to do that. So Jimbo got me and Mark singing via phone yesterday. Thank You Lord for our Jim! I love you both
<3 Sister

Anonymous said...

What a year! Happy SC Birthday Jim!