Wednesday, October 28, 2009

NIH or Bust

Well, we are headed down to the NIH today. It's been 6 weeks, and we wanted to go to Bob and Shelley's, but the plumbing problem is NOT solved yet, guys. So sorry, we can't come down. John and Leah are coming home, and we're trying to get that plumbing problem solved, but it isn't happening yet. Long story without a good ending, but I think you readers have had enough of them, of I won't be reporting on that kind of stuff anymore, but I just wanted to add that so that Bob and Shelly know why, ONCE AGAIN, we cannot come down.

Pray for good travel for us. Jim is in a lot of pain, and there is just nothing I can do for him, and the ride is so hard on him when he is in pain. Lord, please PLEEZE give those doctors ears to hear and a willingness to help. Allow them to suggest Jim see a neurologist down there. The ones around here are stinko so far that Jim has seen. Jim's convinced that some of this pain is from his vertebre problem in his back. I think he might be onto something. Maybe.

Oh, Lord just take it all away and restore the years the locusts have eaten. Oh, I know he will some day. And it will be glorious. Give us a taste of it now though. :) Thanks Dad.


Anonymous said...



Kelly said...

Praying for an easy and safe trip. I'm going to try to get to the chiropractor today and ask about Uncle Jim... I bet he could help.

Leah Joy said...

MOM! DAD! I LOVE YOU! SEE YOU IN A WEEK! bringing my "A" game.

Anonymous said...

What's the good word? Are you home? How did it go?


Anonymous said...

Amen Amen.

Thanks Kelly, let us know what he says.

Bring it Daughter Dear