Saturday, October 31, 2009

home sweet home

Well, we're home.

It was WONDERFUL to drive there and not worry about breaking down. THANK YOU JESUS.

As for Jim's pain, I think the Lord kind of spoke to me a bit while down there about the situation. I'm seeing that it's not that the docs down there don't care or know how to help Jim. Not at all. They care very much. They just know that it's amazing that Jim is even alive with the amount of toxic chemo that he has had, let alone how they can heal his body from the ramifications of that. It made me feel better too. Because I could see that they really do care, in as much as a doctor allows themselves to care about their patients. They really want to help, but they know that they know that the damage to Jim's body because of the chemo is tremendous. Now, while they can't feel it, they also know they can't heal it. So, they hmmm and hawww, and try this and that.

So today Jim tried Celebrex. Why? For the heck of it. They want him to up his pain meds again, but we talked about the problems that brings. They put him back on the neurontin, not that it helped, and the pain team suggested we try Cymbalta (sp) which about made us gag, because we have laughed for years at the commercials for that drug. They make it sound so wonderful while they also at the same time tell you how it can kill you in 30 different ways. So, we don't even consider that. But they basically said, "we're running out of options. And I guess we've known this. And we're just waiting on the Lord, and if he doesn't heal Jim, then he's going to use this for something. In the interim of a healing or acceptance of a life of extreme pain, we'll just keep on doing what we're doing I guess. The problem is....WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HECK WE'RE DOING. :)

We have to go down in 5 weeks. Jim has a PET scan again to see if he's still cancer free. It sure gets weary going there and all. And then tonight we have to add another hour to our day? Pleeze. Couldn't we take a few away. It's going to be a long winter...


John and Leah said...

Leah and I are super excited about gaining another hour! You should be too! Oh, I forgot, you two don't know how to sleep.

Anonymous said...

G'day Jim & Gloria >

I don't want to start a fight over "Time" but I do want you to humbly accept that it is our "Hour" that you have gained ... I won't say stolen becuase that's inflammatory. I do try to be diplomatic when dealing internationally.

It is somewhat disconcerting to read of John & Leah gloating over "gaining another hour" and then failing to acknowledge the rightful home of that "hour". Consequently, when you lose something and another says ha! ha! I've got it, the decent thing to do is at least say "Thanks".

Maybe approach it like this and say : "Gary - we've got your 'Hour'. We apprecaite that. We promise to care for it, understand its limitations and use it for nothing but good in our lives. We'll respect it as on loan for the next 6 months or so and guarantee we'll hand it back".

I suspect you are wondering why I'm taking this "Time" issue so seriously. We lost that Hour in early Oct. I admit to feeling better because at least I know now that it has a good home.

Just an "Hour" is precious. Consume every minute. We plan though to get it back again about March/April 2010. Sure hope you don't mind.

Still 4 weeks of Spring to go and already we've had a day up to 30C.

Luv to ya's both !!


Tom Jr. said...

Gary feels to realize that he's trading that hour for our summer.

Tom Jr. said...

Fails to realize....

John Baldauff said...

I'm not exactly sure who Gary from Melbourne is but perhaps he could "slip another shrimp on the barbie" (so says Paul Hogan)and enjoy waking up early to 30c (???) days in his spring.

Mary said...

Just wanted to stop by the blog and say, "Hey there!"

I'm still reading your blog and I'm still praying and thinking of you guys!

Lots of love,


shelly said...

I have been thinking and praying for the two of you for quite some time. I heard you had a blog and called Donna to see if she knew it. I have spent over an hour reading some of what the two have been through. Oh my! The strengh the two of you have!! We know where that came from! We have lost touch and I understand why. If there is anything we can do to help please let us know! You both continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Shelly Holley