Thursday, September 24, 2009

what to do

Well, I have been praying a bit about this.

I believe what is best to do is to blog about Jim. And to also blog about our prayer needs, and when I am feeling overwhelmed or over anything and I need to share, I'll do it in person or phone a friend. It's very true that people from out of town check the blog to see about Jim and how to pray. That alone is a reason to continue.

So, about Jim. He talked the docs into going back to the NIH in 6 weeks. They wanted him to come back in a month. He wanted 2 months, so they met in the middle. The reason why we have to go every month is for the breathing treatment medicine. He can't take the oral medicine because it lowers the blood counts, and his blood counts are already too low. He's supposed to have the treatment every month, but they are going to extend it for 2 weeks. I think it's kind of nuts, because he's now on antibiotic for a sinus infection, and he's not stopped coughing for a two weeks now. I hope he's not getting bronchitis. So you can pray for that.

I got the flu shot, and now have to get the swine flu shot. MANDATORY, they told me. We talked to another patient who had a SCT, and she said her doc told her she had to get the flu shot, but Jim's docs never told us about that. So we have to call and find out. Yet, he can't get the flu shot if he's sick.

We've been amazingly blessed, again, as this surely isn't the first time, by God through...well, someone. Someone else. My son wants me to thank you for him. He said, thanks so much for taking care of his parents and doing for us what he can't do.

Do you know that I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what this world leader thing in Pittsburgh is. I don't even know the name of it. I have not watched the news in probably 2 years. Is that pathetic or what?

My shingles are doing great. Praise God. They are so painful. I lead my first bible study on Monday. Yeah, I was nervous and I feel totally inept. Pray for me there. I'm very excited about it. I love inductive study, but can't fathom why God would want me to lead one.

God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Three sentences I never expected to see strung together: "My shingles are doing great. Praise God. They are so painful." I read up on shingles a bit. I'm very sorry you are suffering with them and I'm praying for quick healing. Do let us know when you'll be in the DC area next... if it would be OK to see us and kids. I can't wait to hear how the Bible study goes and will be lifting you up to Jesus over it. We have joined two other HSing families hear to work through How to Study Your Bible for Kids by Kay Arthur. I thought you might like that.


Anonymous said...

LOL. Amy, girl, get your crayons out. :)

I'll call you.
Love me