Sunday, September 27, 2009

Poor Jim

Hi Everyone:

Could you please remember to lift Jim up in prayer. He had 3 great days. Remember the shelves??? Well, they are at a stand still. He's in horrible pain. And he's getting down.

At the NIH, they put him on a new med for the peripheral neuropathy (PN). That's his major complaint now. PN. And he's feeling worse and worse and worse. Today I look it up online. It's an antidepressant, Desipramine???? Anyway, does something with the neurotransmitters or something. But guess what a side effect is????? PN????? What is up with that?

There is an article in the NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) that states it can help with diabetic neuropathy. But he doesn't have that kind. I don't know. Anyway. He hasn't moved in a week, and he's getting down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not that Jim wants to see any more doctors at this point...but aren't there some good pain management docs that might know more specifics?...just rambling here...Jim probably has seen every doc on the planet...I'll say a very specific prayer for him tonight with regards to his pain...

much love to you both,