Friday, August 21, 2009

Still Cancer Free

Hi Everyone:

We're home, and we're still cancer free, praise God. And Jim's spirits are lifted. They were worrying a bit as we got closer to our trip to NIH.

I also had a serious talk with the doctor there and told him how I was feeling like they were not very interested in Jim's pain from the neuropathy and such. They listened, and I think I gained a bit myself, being less intimidated and asking for our needs to be met. So, we had to stay at the NIH for today so that Jim could see the pain team. We also needed to see dermatology because of his fingernails falling off and such, but all of that is nothing compared to the clean PET scan.

Prior to our trip, I had contacted a doctor about a trial for Gerry, and he e-mailed me and wanted me page him when I got to the NIH, which I did. He met me, and we talked about a potential trial for Gerry in the future. It's all still so very hurtful to my heart knowing what June is going through, and it's painful to Jim, knowing what Gerry is going through. Oh my.

So, thank you for your prayers for us. We are home safe, and I am going to bed.

We were unable to go to Bob and Shelleys as planned because of the extra day at the NIH and Jim being so tired, but nonetheless, it was a very good trip for us. Thank you Jesus for the continued remission.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that is great news. We take our youngest back to Chicago tomorrow:( and then you will have to come have tea or what ever at my house and you can see our garden, half of which might be lemon balm at this point. The flowers didn't get a lot of tending this summer. I will keep praying for you both

Rachel said...

Wow! what fantastic news! I don't know if any one of us would want to get a PET scan. I mean they can find ANYTHING and I don't really want my body scrutinized like that. So it's thorougly amazing that even with the PET scan Jim is cancer free! This truly tests God's work and makes it official rather than hopeful.
I'm glad you were able to talk to someone about Jim's pain. I hope that you get some resolution to that.
I'm so happy for you both!
love to you!
Rachel and family

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! What wonderful news. Did the pain team come up with any strategies for managing Jim's neuropathy pain? Next time you go to the NIH, maybe we can drive up to see you. We are heading back to Richmond tomorrow after three weeks in Cincy.


Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Fantastic news about the PET Scan results.

You are always in our thoughts.

Love you guys,
Sam and Maddy

Kelly said...

What wonderful news. Definitely needed to hear it... it's been a long week. I hope NIH had some good suggestions for the pain, if you'd like to give that chiropractor a try, I can vouch that he can work wonders. Hope you guys are having a happy peaceful end to the weekend. Congrats!

Judi said...

That is great news! Praise God! I agree with what Rachel said! I always get scared when Mommy gets a pet scan. I really believe the Lord healed her before it got too far. God does miracles! He does little ones in our lives everyday too if we pay attention. I don't know if any miracle can be considered little though.

I don't personally know what Aunt June is feeling but I feel like, here we go again. Like a dark cloud covering our family. It's sad and I think we are all grieving. Cancer is horrendous. I praise God for Uncle Jim's life and I'm pleading for Uncle Jerry's.

I love you both. Be at Peace.


P.s. Still praying for you both and for complete healing for Uncle Jim!!

Anonymous said...

Nancy I would LOVE to come to tea. Can't wait.

Amy, we would love to see you when we come down.

Maddy, I saw you in church, but you were gone before I could find you for a hug.

Judi: I hear you in regards to everything you said. That's my thought for today, that small miracles are not small indeed. You are so very right.

Your mom and dad stopped over for 15 mins yesterday. It was soooooooo nice to see them. I told her that it just feels like the enemy is attacking God's people in so many ways..either that, or I'm just getting older. ;) God will use it for good, but it sure is hard sometimes.

We love you and hope you and your beautiful family are doing well.