Friday, May 8, 2009


It makes no sense to me at all. Life is still very hard. Some stuff hard, some stuff silly. Like my windshield wipers are broken, and I drove in the pouring rain turning them on and off, barely seeing out the window, while I was on the phone fighting with my insurance DEATH AMERICA so that I could have a perscription filled, which they wouldn't do, and now the windshield is scratched, and I still have no meds or windshield that works and blah blah blah blah....but this kind of stuff is my normal life. Big time, Jim is still cancer free. He has no GVHD in his eyes as feared. His GVHD is just there enough to make a good transplant, but not bad enough to make him real sick. We may actuallhy be able to come home in 2 weeks, and yet I'm closer and closer to sliding down that slippery slope towards depression.

I'm sooooooooooo very homesick...and yet...I'm terrified of coming home, of the work. I'm worn out. I am plum WORN OUT. I don't want to blog, do e-mail. Forget Facebook. I don't want to see anyone. I don't want to talk on the phone. Etc. Etc.

I would think I would be celebrating. Instead I'm fighting off depression. It doesn't help that it has done nothing but rain for....I would say with the exception of 3 days, the whole time I've been here. And it's been grayer than Pittsburgh...if that's possible. I've also felt the loss of intimacy and such with other women in my life, as I am now on my 6th month of being away from home. And yet now, I don't even want to talk to anyone really. I could go on and on. You get my point...maybe.

Jim is doing okay. He's still in lots of pain with the neuropathy. This causes him to be down. He talks of grand things, and yet can barely walk. It's all so very sad. He's had to go up in pain pills. This helps him feel better, but it's the opposite of "normal life" and to me it's the promise of more of what we've had. I can't even go on. So if you're reading this, please pray for me. I feel like giving up, and yet don't even know what that means.

I guess I dream of blue water and white sand on a small island, and no one else on it, but me.

Last night I had a headache and it woke me up. I woke up and saw shadows on the ceiling and walls. I said to Jim. Stop making those shadows. (I could have been dreaming) He said he wasn't, and I thought I was having a visual migraine. Jim gave me some aspirin and then he started praying for me. It really felt like for a second my spiritual glasses were on and I could see spiritual warfare going on. What were those shadows...hmmmm. I immediately started to feel better and went back to sleep. But as the day goes on, I find myself fighting again. So, please cover me in prayer. Cover us.


Judy said...

we gotcha covered and ask for a blanket of God's love to wrap around you both.

Love, Judy

Kelly said...

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time right now... hopefully the weather clears up and the sun can help you feel a little bit better.

We are thinking of you both and hope to see you home in 2 weeks. Glad you took the time to write, I've been checking everyday.

Praying for some relief...

Anonymous said...

I will pray...

Bear in mind, that when you return, the women in your life will still be here.

Also, my energy level is dropping day by day, so you will always be welcome to come sit on the couch/porch swing (depending on the weather) at my house as the children whirl about us... and just be.

Hang in there, and we do hope to see you soon..and we pray for continued healing for all.

May the spiritual battle rage on...remembering that we have the ultimate victory!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

2weeks? yikes you better give Mark heads up to clean well dust mop, linens, etc.

awe Sister hang in there we all pray for you.

Mark's Dad cancer hasn't spread so thats good. They won't operate on anyone over 70 so its either radiation or seeds.

Sister I got my millon bell baskets done today my mother's day gift.

All you Mom's reading the blog
Happy Mother's Day. God Bless You.

Joe called and he said mold has been taking care of.

We need someone for the tile thou in Jim's bathroom to fix that.

going now to pray for you Sister and Jim. I love and miss You.

mary jo said...

Dear Dolly girl, Happy Momma's Day . Joe is home just for a little then off to Sweden. You are tired and shell shocked after almost 2 years of this. I will pray for You about the depression. We are so glad you'll be home soon. Your longings for a desert island sound good to me. Don't worry ,when You get home we'll give you space and when You're ready we'll see You. I'm still amazed that when I get tired of things in my life and get alone with Jesus ,cry out to Him, reading psalms and physically crying. He always answers me and shows me something in His word that carries me. Always!!! Keep doing that Dol . I know you do have that kind of relationship with Him. The enemy tries to wear us out and tell us Jesus isn't listening But...that's a lie. I love You. MJB

Kelly said...

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you had a nice peaceful day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria and Jim,

We love you guys. Happy Mother's Day Gloria! We hope you will be home soon and will pray that the transition will be much easier than you anticipate... joyful. We can't wait to see you. You are missed.

Amy and Brian