Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well, Jim didn't have a fever during the day, but it's back again tonight. I've kind of been sick to my stomach all day. I can't seem to stop sighing, which is driving Jim nuts. But it's a stress reliever for me, I guess.

The NIH called today. Yesterday at the day hospital, they must have told Jim's team that he was still retaining water, so they want him to come in tomorrow, rather than Thursday, to have an echo cardiogram. They said that often times people with SCT have what is called capillary leak syndrome, and they want to make sure that Jim's heart and lungs are okay.

So, we are going tomorrow rather than Thursday, so. I hope we get to see his regular docs and all. This messes up our normal plans of the hotel room and all kinds of things.



mary jo said...

Hi, I just read your latest blog. Praying for You both. It's winter here again. Pooh! We love You and we know this snowy stuff is just a facade the reality is that it is spring. 2corin.4:8" We are afflicted in every way but not crushed; perplexed but not driven to despair; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed; always carrying in our body the death of Jesus so the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our mortal flesh." MJB and JB

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, please get the shoes!The stress is high enough without thinking about what a pair of orthopedic shoes might look like.Lord Jesus,have mercy and heal my brother.Please bring feeling into his extremities and strength to his bones .PLEASE don't allow that cursedness to come back. our only hope is in you. JUNIE