Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Amen, Junie. Sorry you weren't home when I called.

Well, we went up to the NIH today, and they did the normal blood tests and such. Thankfully they didn't keep Jim. He was crying thinking of going into the hospital again. They did the echo cardiogram, but it showed that no water was causing any problems for his heart or his lungs. They tested his blood again and did some other blood cultures because of the fever. His blood tests came back, and his HDL is even higher today than it was yesterday, so we have to go back tomorrow (moan). (Now I know why they wanted us to live 15 minutes away.) They want to give Jim a CT scan to see if the cancer is coming back. There are many things that can cause the HDL numbers to go up, but the principal investigator, the head honcho is concerned as well. Oddly, the numbers are higher than they have ever been. Also, Jim does not have any of the traditional cancer pain, so that is good. But if it's small still it wouldn't cause pain.

I knew going into this that our lives would never be the same. I've read a gazillion stories of people who had SCT, and their cancer is back before you know it. But I've also ready the other. The bottom line is I need to camp inside of Jesus the rest of my life, the rest of Jim's life to make it through every day, because with every temp, pain, funny blood test number, xray, etc., there could be those dreaded words. Jim's having a very difficult time in sooooooo many ways. Please pray for him. He just said that if the cancer is back, he's done. I respect that decision if that is a prayerful decision based on truth, but I think the enemy has him in knots, and we don't even know what is going on.

Anyway. Thanks.
Love us


k2shine said...

Hello you two,
Know that I am going right now and pray.

You are so right about that enemy Sister.

We will all continue to pray.

Love and miss you

nvsickel said...

I will be praying. You guys could be the pictures in the dictionary under perseverance and endurance. YOU probably don't feel that way but man. So I will continue to pray

mary jo said...

Praying for You tonight. Our love to you both. I know that we're camping in the same place because I dare not go anywhere else. 2Corin.4:7- We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us---and the rest of ch4. Read it and be encouraged. Love, MJB and JB

Rachel said...

Hello Dear One,

I love you and I pray for you.

All my love


Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria and Jim,

You remain in our prayers. We lift you both up to the heavenly father whose love for us is so great it can not be measured. Oh, how we love you and pray for complete healing and restoration for Jim. We also pray that you will find peace, rest, and even joy that only comes from Jesus right in the thick of the trials. We will miss you but we are counting on seeing you, whether in Pittsburgh, Maryland, Northern VA or Richmond. You aren't getting out of teaching us to play Settlers of Cataan! We're holding you to it!

Amy (for the Smiths)

Judi said...

Praying that everything turns out okay. I love you both. Be at peace.