Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bad, sad, mad and no glad

Well, it's 1.am. and I can't sleep. It's been a weird 24 hours, leading to just now, with me crying cause I read that Amy and Brian and family are moving away. Jim and I both desired to come home and finally play that game of catan, have that dinner, that cell group, and spend time with some of the best folks we have met in a long time.

Leading up to this was our hotel stay at the Hilton last night. We couldn't get in right away because of a fire alarm call, and when we got in, the room we got was so perfumed that it started Jim coughing and got my throat going. We finally got into a room and to bed and up to the NIH for another long day. We come home and here's what we sit with.

Jim needs special orthopedic shoes, and we'll fight about it because he won't want to get them and I think he should. Why doesn't the NIH pay for them?

His ankle is black and blue and a bit swollen, but he doesn't know how he twisted it because he can't feel his feet. That's one of the reasons for the special shoes. His other foot is hurting.

Jim broke a rib. So that pain he's been in is a broken rib...from bending down. Nothing they can do about that.

His kidney numbers are a bit better, but his protein numbers are still down, and he's still retaining water in his legs. Tonight his feet looked scary to me. They don't know why he's retaining water.

His LDH number is REALLY high. That's one of the numbers that can indicate cancer is present. I wasn't worrying too much about any of this, but then.

Tonight Jim has a temp of 99.2.

Now all of this might mean nothing, but I don't know.


k2shine said...

Wow, never excepted to read all that this morning.

I will pray for all of it.

Tears and heavy hearts.

Amy and Brian and their precious children moving.

Blood levels.

Sore rib


Shoes, Jim you get those shoes. Mark has his now you get yours.

When you click on the link to leave comment says Encouraging Words. I have zip. I will go and pray for that also.

Your have not a zippo word of good, Sister

I do love and miss you both

Anonymous said...

so sorry...
