Friday, April 3, 2009


Here are a few pics of my beloved.

This one is a funny one. It reminds me of my dog Ruby. Jim's being Ruby here. Ruby would act like if she shut her eyes, then I and my rules would just disappear. I'm telling Jim. "Hon, enough computer fixing, you need some rest. This is the first day out of the hospital. He just shut his eyes and pretended like I wasn't there. He's still at it, too.

This one is a sad one for several reasons. It reminds me of Unc. I love Unc the short few years I got to know him. This piano used to be his, and he left it to us, but it didn't fit in our house. So, now it's here. It's nice to see it again. It's nice that the kids are playing on it daily, so it's still in the family. The saddest thing is that Jim used to play beautifully, but he just can't get his fingers to obey and move because of the neuropathy. I so miss hearing him play and sing.
Life sure has a way of changing on us....


Anonymous said...

Good evening you two. I here that Jim is still a rock star in the day hospital. :) I am glad to see you guys in a more natural environment verses the hospital. Just think, before too long you can take on Disney or even the cottage. Miss you both and God bless you. Stephanie

k2shine said...

Wowie! those are super pics.
I can't believe how fast his hair is growing in. You'll be cutting it before long Sister. It's cold here and isnt gonna warm up for another week. Egg hunt was fun but to cold!!!Sister, I wore the hound dog bunny t-shirt its like what 15 years old now, didnt you and Mum buy me it at blairs? LOL
Got to to run cause I have to cook and feed your brats!
shhhhh hope Johnny and Leah don't read this...gigglin

love and miss you both so much
Sister <-:P

mary jo said...

HI Jim and Dolly, I made my mom's old fashioned pickled eggs(in beet juice). They are one of my favorite things at Easter. I love them with salt and cracked pepper. I'm sure Shelly is filling You with good things. Jess is home for the week and trying to make the decision still about keeping her teaching job or coming back to Pgh. for grad school in special ed. Say 1 for her please that God will make it really clear what she should do. --
Those Baldauff guys love to fix things don't they. They get so focused that it's very hard to get them off track for anything. Jim was happy in his heart fixing that computer soooo. Joe is in the garage working on his brakes even now.
We love You . The whole Baldauff Nation is praying for You and missing You. MJB and JB

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph, fave nurse. See you on Thursday...maybe. We're thinking Wednesday now. I'll call you.

Hi Sister. Already talked to you.

Hey MJ. I love you and the whole Baldauff Nation. I will pray for Jess tonight with Jim. When John asked for prayer about Leah getting accepted to a school in PA, I, instead prayed that God would bring them exactly where he wants them. That was in Chicago. Even though I would have loved them, and needed them near me in PA. So, I love your prayer request, one that wants the best for her only daughter, even though I know you would love her to be close at hand. Happy Easter to you, too. Sounds like Jim would like those eggs.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria and Jim,

I have to admit I haven't checked in for a few days. We had family in town. We had a mini-extreme home makeover this past weekend as we prepare to put our house on the market later this week. You did get my e-mail that we are moving to Richmond, VA, didn't you? I wouldn't wish that you'd still be in Northern Virginia by the time we move, probably some time this summer, but keep in mind that Richmond is less than two hours from Bethesda. We miss you. You will definitely have friends when you get back. You are much loved here. Now you'll have friends in Richmond too. How about vacationing with us next year?

Amy (for the Smiths)

Anonymous said..., I DID NOT get your e-mail that you are moving to Richmond. That makes me very sad. Now, I'm crying. Don't feel guilty though. It just makes me sad. I'm so tired of losses. And I am a bit scared right now about things.

Is this a great thing for you? wow. How come you are moving? Oh man. Well, it could have been worse, I guess. I could have fell in love with you and your family even more than I have. I'm bummed. I guess I'm thinking only of me. I have to go find that e-mail. What address did you send it to?

Anonymous said...

Amy, I can't find it. Could you please resend it. Thanks. :(