Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who knows what day...I've lost count

Jim is doing okay. He doesn't seem to be heading in one direction or another. I guess his blood numbers are getting better, but he seems to be stuck in this place of just painful existence. It's horrible. And yet, he's doing good. I don't know how to balance that in my mind, but that's the way that it is. Just keep praying for him. His fingernails were purple today because the neuropathy is so bad that his blood circulation is affected and...One thing I can say is that live or die, our lives will never be the same. In some ways that makes it hard to relate to anybody. Not many get the "privilege" of walking this path Jim and I are on. Even the families at the lodge. I haven't met one person who has gone through what we have gone through. I know they're out there, but it's not common, that's for sure. Well, I'm too tired to get into all of that.

Want to know why I'm tired? Well, yesterday felt like "life" so I wanted a bit more. So. I went biking again today. Yesterday I did 13 miles. It just felt like 20. Today....oh my....
Well, I took the bike onto the metro. (Yes, Rege and Bob, you can take the bike on the metro, as I mentioned. Just not during peak travel time. Anyway, I put the bike onto the metro and took off. And guess where I went...

Well, you got that right. I went to China. WELL I MIGHT AS WELL HAVE. That rocky creek park trail isn't that well marked. It's beautiful and it was a beautiful day. For many miles of that trail, they close the road on weekends for cyclists and walkers. I've never seen so many people out and about. I won't bore you with how I got lost and probably biked close to 30 miles. Or how when I finally got to lay down in Jim's bed at the hopt. the tv bumped into the tray and spilled ice water and iced tea all over me and the bed. But suffice it to say that I no longer feel like I experienced "life" today. LOL. More like death.

And what does Leah Belle want to know....if I'll go biking and to the zoo again, when they come.

Well, you bet I will. :) But, girl, tell me, how do you run 26.5 miles in a marathon.

Tomorrow I check out. I hope I can walk. I'm serious. It's not like I'm in great shape or anything. Sitting in hopt. rooms, has kept me out of the gym circuit, and I'm a bit out of shape, so we'll see.

Well, yesterday I mentioned that my galanthus were probably blooming and I was missing them and guess what I saw on the trail. You got it.


Anonymous said...


k2shine said...

Sister, that panda brought backa flood of memories. She was so very good to us as kids and adults wasn't she.

Sorry to miss your call was at Joe and Geri's watched movie called Australia. Was good.

I will be praying for Jim's procedure today, and for you also.

Let us know how you all are doing afterwards.

love and miss you both

Rachel said...

been there on the bike! (Remember my getting lost story!) It's terrible to get lost on a bike, especially when your already exhausted! Hope your recovering and your muscles are getting stronger. I love you! Rach

mary jo said...

I love the panda pix. It feels so good to have sunshine and some warmth again. I saw 3 little wrens splashing and ruffling in a puddle yesterday. "Come then my love,my lovely one come, winter is past the rains are over and gone. Tis the season of glad songs even the cooing of the turtledove is heard" Song of Sol. Praying for you guys tonight. MJB and JB

Anonymous said...

thanks for that MJ. That was beautiful.