Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Official!!!

Hi Everyone:

Yeah, I concur with your remarks. We got the word yesterday that it's official. We heard "complete remission." It's mind boggling.

This is wonderful for the SCT. It makes it so much more possible, in the medical realm, that this SCT can give Jim more life, and possibly lots of it. I can't go into it now because I'm busy as heck. Why? WHY?

I'll tell you why. Here's how we celebrated the news.

G: "Oh, hon, isn't this wonderful."
J: "Sure is."
G: "We said, it would be so amazing to hear those words, even once."
J: "Sure did."

By now, you know that Jim is a man of many words. LOL. Anyway, we ended that long discussion with:

G: "Well, it was fun celebrating, I better go pack."
J: "You sure."....

We heard the official news at 4:30. Jim's doc appt. was over at 5:00, and I was on the road heading home at 5:30. So, I'm here now to pack to move away for 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 months. Who knows. (Jim's good results could mean less time rather than more)

Anyway, it continues to be a whirlwind. I thank God for giving me stamina. I'm glad, MJ, that's he made me an "ants in the pants" type of gal. But I could use some prayers, cause really I just wanted to lay in bed all day. I''m tellin' ya. The ol' gray mare just ain't what she used to be.

But I can't lay in bed, and I can't sit here gabbing either. I have everything to do from getting into the summer clothes, to filing an extention for our taxes to visiting my dad, to banking, to trying to figure out what to do with our mail, etc.

Then there are things I don't even know what to do. Should I pack up my computer? Should I bring the meat from our freezer down to B & S's? Should I? What about the greenhouse plants? Do I just throw them away or do I ask people to pick a day and help with watering. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously. I would love an input if while praying you have some great ideas, or just, perhaps you've done something like this. Like do this in a shorter way and in a different way, but maybe there is something that you ALWAYS bring...that kind of stuff. Maybe some of you go to Florida for the winter and couldn't live without.....oh please...let me're bathing suit... ;)

K peoples, gotta go.

BELOW IS FOR JIM'S EYES ONLY. If you cheat and read it anyway, I won't be held responsible for your nausea.

Hi Honey bunch: It's morning, and I miss you and I love you, and it was told in bed witout to. I think you are at one of your many appts for today and I'm sorry that I can't be there wheeling you around. Here's a kiss and a hug for you. XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO. I wuv ew.


Anonymous said...

I wish you could see my face and see our joy! I interrupted Hannah's class to tell her the news as well. She squealed! We will keep praying and will be happy to help out at the house. Just let us know. I wonder if you could get a house sitter. That might give more peace of mind. As far as packing, take some comfort things, but try to keep it simple. Don't sweat the small stuff.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, Amy. That is so sweet about Hannah squealing. You guys are so precious. I hope her class is going well???

Hmmmmm. House sitter. I never thought of that. I will have to think of that.

Thanks for the offer of help. We will need it. I guess I should get on that church list. I'm trying to make things easy on everyone though.

I sure miss seeing everyone.

Love Gloria

Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

All things are possible with Him!

I would be willing to help water the plants - or help in whatever way I can.

Just need your direction.

Love and prayers,

mary jo said...

Song--"All powerful,unchangeable;You put the stars in the sky and You call them by name-You are amazing God;You are amazing God". We are rejoicing and jumping with joy with you.MJB and JB in Russia.

mary jo said...

I'm not in Russia just Joe.MJB

Anonymous said...

Speechless, Praise God!!!
-Tom and Sara