Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bag One Done. Bag two in a few hours

Well, here they are Bob's Cells Just sitting on an IV poll ready to drip into Jim. This bag is red, where the ones Bob gave today don't have any red blood cells mixed in with them. No particular reason as to why,

As you can see it was very painful for Jim.

Just Kidding. Baldauff's are warped, and this is an example of a great Baldauff joke. Really what you are seeing is the stem cells dripping into his IV, while Jim lays there eating the pecans that are laying on his BELDY.
Bob just stopped in and left. He looked very tired. He was on that machine most of all day. The cells that they extracted today will be brought up in a few hours and Jim will get the next transplant then.
I promise, no more "funny" pictures.
This was sooooooooooo anticlimatic. No drum rolls. No doctors in the room. I told John, it reminds me of when they deliver a heart for a heart transplant or a kidney. Some guy from a truck just carries it in a 6-pack cooler. Nothing ceremonious about it.
Now we sit and wait.


Anonymous said...

I love you both.
Sister no more funny pics. that scared me.

Rachel said...

that picture was aweful! but I understand because I have a warped sense of humor too! Glad I scrolled down quickly or I would have started to cry again! When I saw Jim's picutre in the other post, next to his "older brother" I started crying. You can see what this horrid cancer has done to Jim and it just makes me so heart broken.
Anyway, I'm glad it was anticlimatic for you all. I think you've had enough climax.
We've been praying!
love you!