Saturday, January 3, 2009


ALL ARE WELCOMED TO VISIT JIM. He's at Passavant Hopt. 6th floor. Go visit. Don't ask. We're good. We didn't want to leave the hopt. to go to the hopt. but it is what it is. GO VISIT. I'm going to do another 1000 things today. God is good to make this okay in our hearts. Thank you Jesus.


Rachel said...

What's going on? why is Jim in the hospital? Please let us know what's happened.

all my love


Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Wow. I know you to be cryptic sometimes, but this is beyond me to decypher.

Praying for you.

I left you a voicemail message before I read this. I was hoping you were out with Jim doing something fun, but I guess not.

I'm sure you are doing a million things and will update us as to what's going on.

Love you,