Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sick sick sick

And I'm sick to death of sick.

Once wasn't enough. I had to get the stomach flu twice. So, I've been sick with temp. and bad stomach and all that comes with it...again. Geeze, it hasn't even been a month yet since the last time I was sick with this same malady.

I'm a bit mad at God right now for allowing YET ANOTHER calamity to fall upon us when the other 20 haven't cleared up yet. But I'll get over it. I feel I'm reaching Job status in the suffering department, but not Job status in not sinning against God in my suffering. Which makes my distorted/tormented mind say things like, "which means I'll get more suffering until I get it straight." But I know that can't be right, because everyone would have this type of suffering. Which leads me to my next distorted/tormented thought which goes something like this.
Oh forget it!!! Who really cares about my ramblings anyway.

Allow me just to report. Jim is doing well. I have given him 3 injections so far, and that's gone well. I was afraid of getting him sick, but so far he's fine. Imagine that. A man who has gotten chemo for a year straight has a better immune system than mine. Dahhhh. Now if it could only get to work on the cancer, but it just can't.


Anonymous said...

I love your ramblings because they are real. Many of us think the same way. Maybe everyone doesn't but for those of us who do that is what can be so cool about being a Christian. If you can admit who you really are and find people that still love you, it makes it easier to believe that God really can love you warts and all. That is when you know that Christians can be better than blood relatives(notice I said can be). I am sorry. I think you have had enough sickness too but I have no control over it except to pray. I was just reading Philippians and it was talking about how Paul would be delivered because people were praying and most importantly because of Christ, so we will keep praying for you and Jim. Off beat comment-sometimes I have wished that I could basically vomit my sin nature. I am definately not fond of it. All of your bouts with stomach issues reminds me of that.

mary jo said...

I'm so sorry you are sick again. I'm not sick just look like HEdoublehockeystix. I picked up some kind of fungal rash???It's on my face and of course this is the week for our After Five South Hills dinner outreach and I'm chair-I really mean it though I don't care. I'm not too itchy and I'm not throwing up. I'll be praying for you dear Dolly and for Jim. Joe is home from NYC. only to leave for Chicago tomorrow. I'm planning to go wherever he goes next week. Yah--MJB

Unknown said...

Don't know who you are, Anonymous. But AMEN AMEN...

I love the vomit the sin nature stuff... Amen again.


And, MJ. Boy, you've been having your share of maladies and boo boos, too toos. You'll do great chairing. I hope to attend some day when Jim is all better, and I am too. I love you.
