Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay, I looked it up, but it still seems a bit different than what Jim told me the doc told him, so who knows, but that he goes in today for the surgery.

I have lost track of time and dates, so as I read my devotional this morning, it's the wrong date, of course, but good for me.

From my Streams in the Desert it says:

"God ever-present help in trouble. (Ps. 46:1) But He allows trouble to pursue us, as though He were indifferent to its overwhelming pressure, so we may be brought to the end of ourselves. Through the trial, we are lead to discover the treasure of darkness and the immeasurable wealth of tribulation..."

Boy can I relate to that. My greatest treasure of becoming more Christ-like has always come in the clouds of my weathered walk with the Lord, and not in the sun. And yet despite that, it still feels as though He really is indifferent to its overwhelming pressure...but I know that He isn't. we may be brought to the end of ourselves," tells me a few things real quick at first glance.

1. I must have a lot of self. Seems like God is an ever present help in trouble. And that Dolly is in ever-present trouble, and needs help. LOL.

2. The trouble may never end if it's sole purpose is so that I can come to the end of myself. Because I know that I will not be at the end of my self until I draw my last breath. Not because I desire to be that way, but because self is my default setting. Reminds me of what it says in the book of Job. For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward. I wonder what Mr. Olsteen's spin would be on that verse....hmmm. Anyway

So, is it any wonder I, we, everyone, needs a savior to save us from our sin, our self.

...and so, we also need a savior to save us from things like cancer and botched surgeries, and other things, so join me in prayer today for Jim.

Last night I got word that a lady friend of mine from bible study, the sweetest dear woman... A few times we would be in the same hopt. with our husbands at the same time, and I would visit with her and she with me, and we would talk about the Lord, our fears, struggles, etc. Her husband died of prostate cancer last night, and my heart goes out to her, and I don't know that I will be able to go and give her my condolences. If you are reading this and from our church, will you please tell her for me, how blessed I am to know her, and how sad I am for her. I think of her and her dear husband laying in bed, praying for me and Jim, and I think of how God made us a family, and I wish there was something I could do for her. Tell her I love her. Thanks.


Anonymous said...


Will be praying for you and Jim today.

I agree with you about the problem with "self". I was trying to beat it to death myself last night.

I meant to tell you about our dear lady friend's husband's passing yesterday... sad, but somehow I know she will be okay.

Love you,

Unknown said...


Hey Maddy. We have reign over our flesh because of Jesus. But I think surrendering it Him so he can do the ridding is a bit easier on you than beating it. Unless of course you're trying to outtrick the trials, hoping you can show God how you're getting right....and then maybe all this "stuff" will go away. ;) Ever been there?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Went to take a shower and here's what came to me. (God shows me so much in the shower...huh, Rach?) Anyway. I'm glad you wrote that Maddy. It reminds me that Jesus will do the slaying of the flesh, BUT we have to surrender it to Him. I think there were many times in the past, and still today that it's been easier to beat the flesh than to surrender it. This way I still had control of my life. Eww, yuk, huh?

Anyways, thanks. Guess I should have e-mail you or called you rather than back and forth here, but I have to run.

Unknown said...

In fact, my pride had me type "many in the past and still today" indicating that it's somehow less now. Then I wrote, "this way I still HAD control..."

Change that to "have." I'm not all that spiritually mature, for sure. When I sound like that I like to say that I am spiritually manure. LOL.

Ok, done with "true confessions."

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria and Jim,

Please keep us posted on the surgery. You and Jim will be in our prayers throughout the day. My foot is fine. Brian turned 40.
