Saturday, December 6, 2008

Puffy Eye

I can feel the prayers. Thank you.

I was able to get up today, ready to start "it" all over again. By nighttime, I'm ready to quit, leave, cry, throw something, etc. But I'm still getting up, dressed and getting to it.

Yesterday I wrote to my pastor about the church down here, and whether they have a worship session, and I was telling Janie how lonely I am, how I miss my church body, etc. Here's a funny one. Jim and I are members of a small group, for almost a year now. And we've never went to one meeting. LOL. But Amy and Kristen and their husbands are praying, and the whole group is, and I'm not even sure who is in it. But I can feel it.

Then today, I get this big heavy box church. It's like you knew before I even told you how sad and lonely for you that I was. My church was hearing prayers, too.

We really are blessed by wonderful family and friends, and I can't forget that when it's heavy.

And today is heavy, too. The new medical surprise for today is that Jim's left eye is puffy. So, I'm not sure what that is all about.

Jim needed more platelets. Jim's mouth is very sore. So is his back. He has not eaten in days.

My agenda today is to get Jim to eat, to sit up, take a walk, and then we're going to open our box from our church family. It's like Christmas!!!!!!

Talk to you later


k2shine said...

Well thank NPC for me too. Wonder whats in the box! LOL

You sure you didn't deck Jimbo in the eye Sister?

Jim, this is me talking to you, Time to eat, food is medicine, and I'll keep praying for your pain and healing. Remember sit up and eat cause Sister won't let you open that box, I know her.
Love to you both,

Anonymous said...

It's great that your small group and your church is there for you. It's a little like God in person. This is so tough. No doubt about it. But God said He works everything for good for those who love Him. So if He says it must be true, Huh? I looked up mucositis last night and I agree that has to be it. As bad as mucositis sounds, I hope it's not herpes. I love you both. I am praying and praying. I'm glad you feel better in the mornings. God said His mercies are new every morning! Be at peace.