Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I all:

I didn't sleep well at all, but feel good, so somebody must be praying. Thanks.

Jim didn't sleep well either. 10 level pain all night. He was in so much pain that he said he doesn't want to do this anymore. He asked me if it was all right for him to die. I told him that it was, and that he didn't have to do anything for me.

However, I don't think he's dying. It just feels that way from so much pain. He moved his bowels this morning, and they are putting him back on oral pains, and he's on full liquid diet. He's voiding A LOT. His numbers are better, and they are giving his Lasix to help get rid of even more water. Why die now, Jim?

Physical therapy came in today, but he's in too much pain to work with them. Once he's back on his oral medication, I think he'll feel better.

Has all the Baldauffs sent in their tests? I know June and Tom has. Junie, check for me, k? Thanks

Love Us


Unknown said...

Hi, Gloria

I know that Bill B. and Janet M. both had their blood drawn and sent their samples of yesterday (Monday). Hang in there. Tell Jim it's NOT OK,yet. There is still lots of hope! Give him a brotherly kiss for me.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the blood update, Bro.

k2shine said...

Sister go to facebook. I took 3 pics in the greenhouse. Show Jim them. I want pie made when he's well or at least share a glass of lemonade. I will also email you the link.

Jim we are praying for you. I love you. Me and Mark need you and you show increditable love for Jesus thru all of this, both of you and me and Mark need to keep on seeing it

Rachel said...

Hello, sounds like relatively good news. I mean the pain souds terrible but the other stuff sounds hopeful. Did Jim respond as well to the other chemo treatment that he's been on?
Of course we'll keep plugging away in prayer. If the numbers are better, why is the pain so bad? I mean isn't the pain because of the tumor growth? Wouldn't the lab results reflect the pain level because of tumor activity?
I sure hope you get more sleep tonight.
love you so much!

mary jo said...

Praying for you both-my small group bible study did today and ask about you every week. Joe's blood test is not till tomorrow (wed.) and will be sent in immediately. Love,MJB-Micah7 Rejoice not againest me my enemy when I fall I shall arise; when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me."

Judy said...

I see you are doing your Christmas decorating on the computer! Praying for you and Jim.
Tom and Judy

Anonymous said...

Phooey! I never make that phone call! Glad for your prayers...I was at Blackburn.

Hope to talk to you soon...hope today is a better day.
