Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ho Ho Ho? No No No. Boo Hoo Hoo

Jim continues to feel better painwise. He could use some red blood cells, however. His blood count is low. They let it go lower here, than anywhere else, because there is such a high use of blood, and a low supply. But he's okay.

He's down today. I'm not sure why. Well, I know part of the reason. A long time ago, I told him that I wanted a Ukelele. I'm so tired of trying to play the guitar and stinking at it. Ukes only have 4 strings, so I'm thinking I would be better. Anyway, he was looking at Uke playing on utube, and it made him think of how he probably won't be able to play the piano or guitar anymore. His neuropathy is soooooooooooo bad. The worse ever. I massaged his feet and hands, just to desensitize them. And he also thought about the many things he built with his hands and "how God gave him good hands." So, that certainly was a lot of it. But I think there is a bit of something else, too.

Perhaps he feels as I do... I'm glad he's not in pain and doing better, but I'm keeping my hope in the Lord, and not in what any day looks like, bad or good. I mean, it's certainly wonderful to not see him in pain and looking good. And Jim is loving it, too. But we have been there before. I'm not sure what is making Jim so sad. I'm not probing, cause it causes him to cry to talk of personal things today. Kind of odd for me...such a feeling person, one who "loves honest dialogue" so much. :) I just want to let him be and feel whatever it is he needs without me analyzing it. He's been through so much.

The nurse said that Jim will be getting a CT Scan on the 16th, and then the chemo will start again on the 17th or 18th. So, that's what next week brings. He continues to lose weight. He now weighs 211 pounds. Skinniest I've ever seen him.

The 6 goosedown pillow thrill is gone. Great place to stay, but going home alone to an empty "home" no matter how nice, is still going home alone. I wish I was a good sleeper. I'm just not. Even in my home, in my bed, with my DH right besides me, I'm still not a great sleeper. I would stay here with him, but I just can't sleep. On the goosebed last night, I stayed up doing logic problems (bought a whole mag full, Tom) until 3 a.m.

Something I wanted to mention about yesterday's 4 hour shopping trip. As I said in a prior post, we can definately feel the spiritual difference, oppression, of this area. But no matter where I go, and I've gone many places. I drove through Bethesda, with 200 restaurants, Rockville with 2000 shops, etc. And I found 1 red kettle outside Sam's Club. 1. One. Uno.

My sister knows what that means to me. During our traditional Christmas shopping days at home, when we would go shopping 2, 3 times a week, many times not even buying anything, but always having lunch, ;-) there were kettles everywhere. By the end of December, I was broke...not from shopping, but from the red kettles. I love Salvation Army. I saw one down here. 1 lonely solemn bell tingling in the cold air. Sad.

Now I know that Pittsburgh isn't the bible, and I know a christian city, a red kettle does not make, but it sure is different. Great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here.

That just makes me want to kick the Ravens butt tomorrow. Go Steelers.


Rachel said...

Hello dear friend, I just got home from our outdoor Christmas special at church where the choir sang three sets in the FREEZING cold! It was fun though, Gary and the kids manned the cookie decorating table while I sang. I just wanted to say hello and that I love you. I think I've been rather ambivilant regarding Jim's good health. One one hand, it is SO refreshing for him to feel well. Yet, we all know the ups and downs associated with cancer. It's just hard to know what is really going on and where to set our hopes. Well, we know exactly where to set our hopes and that is on Jesus but I think you know what I mean. Many times I would look for outward signs to help me understand what God was up to. Some times those outward signs give us a clue but mostly they are just blown by the wind, here today and gone tomorrow, with the only thing remaining being what God himself has done. We will pray and wait upon the Lord to see what he is up to with Jim!
I love you! Wish you could have been here this evening. You would have enjoyed it.
Love you! Now I need to go snuggle under some blankets. I'm freezing!
love you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria and Jim,

You were on our hearts all day today. We were overjoyed to hear about Jim's improvements snd are praying for more. Laney and I were sewing you something today. You'll have to wait until Christmas though...
We love you,
Amy and Brian and the kids

mary jo said...

Hi , I just got home from church and read the blog. Love and patience to you both . Coming from me the patience part is a big stretch but I know the Holy Spirit does this even in me. A friend shared a script with me on Fri. It was nice but I kind of went through my day not thinking too much about it--until I went to see a holiday movie. There was one delay after another (about 45 min. till the movie began. I had written the script down(col.1:9-14). I was all by myself and bored(what a pity I am)-anyway I decided to get out my paper with the scripture on it and try to memorize part of it. "May you be strengthened with all power,according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with Joy(!!!)giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light." Anyway I kept saying it over in my heart and truely by the time the very bad movie came on I was so lifted by the Lord. Don't waste your time on "Nothing Like the Holidays". No wonder this movie family was screwed up. No Jesus. I mean really. These people were living their lives like we used to. Not being self righteous at all ,just amazingly thankful for Jesus in my life and my familie's. So much love coming your way and praying our Lord will lift your hearts and heal too just because He's God and He's Good.Yeah-MJB