Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, I'm still at the hotel, so I don't know how Jim is this morning, but yesterday was a bit better in important ways for his numbers. His blood pressure was down (raised a bit at night) but still okay. His oxygen saturation numbers were a bit better when the oxygen was off, unless he exerted himself too much, and his creatinine and bilirubin were better as well. He is voiding much better as well. He walked about 100 feet, using a walker, which is pretty good.

The nausea wasn't very great.

Judy and I took a drive around Washington DC. We wanted to go and wave to George and say goodbye and thanks, but low and behold, you can't drive down Pennsylvania Avenue anymore. If it wasn't so late and parking so much, I would have insisted to park and take a walk. But I was cold and if they come down here again, we'll do that next time. I was cold because we went to Arlington Cemetary to see the changing of the guard. I'm not sure why, but that place reminds me, Mrs. Obama, that there are many reasons why I'm proud to be an American. After the election, it did me good to walk through this honorable cemetary and to see something done because it's just GOOD.

Tom stayed with Jim, and Jim mostly slept, which was good. I often kid around about Jim feeling better when Tom is around. And no, Tom, has no special touch or magic about him. He loves Jim as he loves all his brothers and sisters. And Jim loves Tom, as he loves all his brothers and sisters. I just wanted to state that because you have all been so wonderful to me and Jim.

However, I've decided it must be me. Because after Tom and Judy left...not 5 minutes later, wasn't Jim throwing up, and his BP went up a bit. They say that people that have been sick as long as Jim has can get association sickness. They get sick when they see certain foods, or walk into the cancer center door, or see a specific nurse, etc. Well, I sure hope I'm not making Jim sick. :) Otherwise, I'm going to have to travel far away to some island with blue water and let you guys take care of him, so that I quit making him sick. Whaddaya think??????

I didn't think so.

Anyway, have a blessed Sunday. I don't know when we are coming home, but I sure miss home.

Love Gloria


Rachel said...

Hello dear friend, Sorry I haven't written in a day or two. Nathaniel is sick, we're putting up the Christmas tree, I have a touch of the flu, and I'm making a full course turkey dinner today since we went out for Thanksgiving. (I couldn't pass up the deals on turkeys at the grocery store!) Right now I'm stealing a few moments alone in the bathroom with my laptop! (mothers take desperate measures to get a moment alone!)
I love you and miss you. I'll write more later.
all my love

k2shine said...

Goodmorning Sister, Jim, Tom and Judy. What a blessing for you and Jim to have them there with you. I prayed for their safe journey home today.

I miss you both being home.

That national cemetery is something else to experience. The change of pace did you good I'm sure except for the cold weather.

I love you and prayers all around.

Our phone call was wonderful to hear you.

Anonymous said...

So are they just going to do chemo until a stem cell transplant? Is it a new and improved chemo or same old? I love you guys and I am praying. Be at peace.

Unknown said...
