Friday, November 14, 2008


How many posts have I written, titled, "sigh?"

No news about the trial yet, but this place is insane. You can definately tell it's a governmental run agency with government employees. Jim's ready to come home to hospice.

An example. In the middle of a bone marrow biopsy, which Jim had already been prepped, and novacaine was given all the way to the bone, which caused him severe pain, while laying on his side, in severe pain, the doctor was waiting for 20 mins for a spinal needle, (why did you come without one) and Jim is writhing in pain. No needles, problems with pain meds...and 1 step from the biopsy, and a team shows up to bring Jim to the MRI. That trumps the biopsy, so they stop the biopsy and we start all over again.

They just brought him back. The 3rd attempt at the MRI has not worked. The barium enema that they gave him and the Ativan is not compatable with the anesthesia. So, they are going to try again at 4:00. meanwhile, they have to call the bone marrow biopsy team again. AND he can't eat or drink, but you are supposed to drink lots of water with a barium enema.

Okay, he may be a guinea pig, but he's still a human being. I could use a good dose of my sister right now.

Time to get tough.


Rachel said...

Amen to the government run crap. (remember Gary works for USDA!)
I am so glad I checked your blog. I didn't think you'd be writing so I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you. You and Jim must be on such an emotional roller coaster right now. Hope of the trial bringing total remission. What could be better than that? And then going through the day to day stuff of dealing with pain, tests, and the goverment who treats people like numbers in light of the almighty God of protocal and rules. Okay, I'm in a bad mood today. I too am so tired of governement run things.
I will pray for you. Gary may be out of a job in two weeks because of a government slip up on his security clearence. No grace just rules. Doesn't matter if someone's life and family is on the line. Everything has to be done by the book and everything moves so darn slow. Okay, sorry, I need my own blog titled "SIGH!"

Love you bunches!

k2shine said...

Sister? you sure you want my doses?
All those funny weird faces I make as I rip through the halls looking for someone who can help, better yet knows what their doing. I realize some of the brightest smart intellectual people have no common sense and I'll bank on it that there's a lot there. You have both the smarts and common sense.

"eyes" keep focused.

Sister, I love you. I am with you every minute of the day. Tell Jim too!

Judy said...

Tell Jim to hang in there, we want to float down the river in inner tubes this summer together!