Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stuffed noses, pain, Obama and McCain

Well, this is too funny. This is the second time I am writing this morning, even tho you see 1 post. Why? Well, I"ll tell you.

My friend Kristen bought be a new keyboard because mine was broke, and it has all these extra buttons on it. Well...let me back up. Jim's in pain so, he's up. I've got a stuffed nose, so I'm up. Elaine has turned me on to this tea called breathe easy, but you have to let it seep for 15 minutes. I had said I could probably come up with something clever with "seep" and "sleep" but I'm too tired. Anyway, this keyboard has all these buttons on the side, and I have not had the time to read the manual about it, but I was wondering what they do. The star brings up my favorite places. One brings up the e-mail, and I was mentioning these things. Then I said I wonder what the letter "S" does. Well, it's not the letter "s" It's some forward reverse kind of arrow that looks like an S. And guess what it does. It deletes everything you have written on your page. LOL. Wrong one to press. I guess I'll read the manual. Too bad the keyboard can't get up and get my reading glasses so I can see, or make my tea seep faster.

Okay, now that I'm done with silly jibberjabberings.

Jim's stage of illness is very perplexing to me right now. He's very very tired. I do think this is mainly from the radiation. I think. But he's on 80 mg's every 8 hours and now he's needing breakthrough pain medicine in between again. Does this mean we should go higher?

One thing I am very thankful for is that I fought the insurance company on our rejection of oxycontin and won. The copay for a months worth is 45.00, which isn't bad. When you go up in meds, then it's another prescription and costs 45.00, so on and so forth. Had they continued to deny us, every prescription that we would have had filled would have cost us over $300.00. And because it's time released, you can't cut pills in half and such. So, we're doing good there. Can you imagine having to pay 900.00 in 1 week for pain meds? See. I trusted God for that.

Well, the good news my friends, is that our new President to be, Mr. Obama is going to fix that for us. That won't be the first order of business, however. I believe the first order of business is going to be to pass the freedom of choice act, so that babies can be aborted up to the day before they are delivered. In fact, if they survive an abortion, I believe the protocol is to let them die. Something about, "the mother's care after the abortion is the most important thing." Then he'll fix the health care. Yeah...

So, get out there and vote people. Vote McCain or Obama, whatever your poison is, but vote.

Most people that I have heard who are voting for Obama are voting because they like his financial policies better. (or his position on war, despite the fact that none of them are enlisted or are war experts) And I wonder why do people go on and on about the money thing and vote because of the promise of more money. We live in the richest country of the world and we want more, more more. Nothing wrong with that really. We were born to have it all. Children of the King and all, till our brother and sister Adam and Eve kind of had to make us get it all through some other route, like death...but wanting to have it all seems to be our normal bent, BUT voting to have it all (like we get any of that from man rather than God) while sacrificing children, like Israel did to the Amalakites, um, pretty stupid.

There are 2 kingdoms people.

Kingdom of Light. Kingdom of Darkness. For those who are in Adam

Kingdom of Life. Kingdom of Death. For those who are in Jesus.

What we receive from those 2 kingdoms are worlds apart. In Adam we find, sin, no power, wrath, HUMAN goodness(of which there is no such thing.)

In the the Kingdom of Life, we receive, justification, reconciliation, grace, mercy, eternal life, power and friendship with God.... and on and on and on.

But the friendship with God thing is important to me. I am not going to judge whether McCain or Obama, and what Kingdom they are in. Whether they are in Adam or Jesus. But the money thing, I could care less about. If they and we are truly friends of God, in Jesus, then we are either for him or against him. And you can't be for him if you want to vote for murder, while hoping for a few more bucks in the pocket.

Okay, I'm rambling and not making myself clear, but you can hate McCain and like Obama. What I can't understand is how you can be In Jesus, in the Kingdom of Light and vote for someone who wants to okay killing babies up until they are born and consider themselves a friend of God.

BUT, remember this folks. Barack Obama is a man, a fallen man. He's a husband. He's a father of who precious little girls, and may be the leader of the best country in the world. (And yes it still is, despite the mess it's in.) And he is going to need our prayers.

McCain wasn't my first choice or who I would have endorsed if anybody had cared to ask me.

So, if we can't get the guy many of you want in the Whitehouse, then let's pray that the guy that gets in there gets changed.

Oh, crap....But then we're still stuck with Congress....Oh, I'm going to bed. I doubt that anyone has stuck around long enough to read the ramblings of a sick woman who is so far out of the political loop, she's confused as heck.


Oh, but I am in the Kingdom of Life, In Jesus, the Kingdom of Light. So, I do know a bit about that.


Rachel said...

Hi Dolly, I don't have much time. It's my Bible study morning and I have to take Gary to work. I'm still in my PJs so you know that I DON'T have much time! (There's a lot of fixin up that needs to be done to this old body and face!) LOL

Anyway, I appreciated your post. Gary and I are so much out of the political loop that we nearly decided to not vote. Our first choice was “None of the above”. I know I know I know! But seriously cynicism has won over for this election and we're tired of it all. Yet, I totally agree that we have to protect the unborn, so we will march down to our church and vote. Thank you for your post. It helped me to see that despite my cynicism, voting still makes a difference and is vitally important.

I didn’t ignore your post yesterday I was just busy. I love you. I’ll probably write you an e-mail another day rather than try to back track and comment on the blog.

I love you always!

Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Hi... thanks for your post. It was suggested that people fast and pray for the election yesterday (monday), which I did - (breakfast & lunch), and I only tell you this, because of what my experience was... I found that every time I went to pray, the only thing that I felt like doing was to praise God. I found that curious because I have been very disturbed by Obama's stand on the life issue and of course many other issues he has put forth.

Throughout the day, I would find myself talking to God like an old testament character pleading with God... "how can You allow a man who claims to be a Christian, yet takes a stand so contrary to your Word, be elected." But what kept coming to mind was - God is soverign and that he's got it under control. I don't think that means that the candidate I support will win, I just think God wants me to trust him with the outcome. In the Old testament there are many examples where God has used "evil" rulers to chastise his people. At yet he gives us the remedy in 2 Chr 7:14 - I wonder how many people have prayed: "2Ch 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."?

I guess time will tell?

Rachel, I'm glad you voted. Every vote is important.

Peace Gloria,

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I hear you, Rach on the choice thing. I was "none of the above" as well.

But not voting reminded me of something I had heard a while ago.

A ship is made for the sea. It is mighty in the sea, sailing the waters, forging as it goes, wherever it wants to go. And it does great in the sea. It's where it belongs. But when the sea enters into the ship, ewwww, there could be problems. Sinkage.

So, I wasn't made for this world, but I do have to live in it. And I'm not quite as mighty as a ship, but I serve a mighty God, and I traverse the world. However, when the World gets into me, ewwwww. Sinkage.

And not liking this world, or this country's direction, I was going to opt out, but I felt that was allowing the world to get into me if somehow my vote decided that more babies could die. So, I didn't want to sink or to take any one with me. I don't know if that makes sense to you or not, but that's why I decided to vote.

I can hear the Israelites. We want a King. We want a King. Well, they got what they wanted. There is a part of me that will praise God if Obama wins, because He will be giving us the leader we asked for. And with that comes the consequences. But as I was saying. I'm not of this world, now am I? So, I personally won't fear. But as I stated in an early post, I grieve for the pain of people. And many are in pain, irregardless of who our president is. And if men can marry men and women can marry women, and babies aborted at 9 months, we'll just add that to the list of people that are hurting. And we'll find ourselves talking to God more and more and more. And 1 of 2 things may happen. Things could get better...(laugh, gag, cough, choke) or COME LORD JESUS, COME.

Anonymous said...

I think if Obama wins wins we are in big trouble. Money is not what is important here. Not that Obama would really keep his word. Every other sentence that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Morality is what matters and from where I'm standing there isn't much of that in Obama's camp. McCain may not be perfect or the best choice, but he is 200% better than Obama and he has my vote and prayers that he wins. I think there could be a miracle:) I hope so anyway.

I'm still here and praying for you guys every day. Abbie has been sick. Nothing serious, but she has been wheezing and I've had to give her breathing treatments. Which she absolutely hates. I've been busy and haven't had alot of extra time. I love you both. Be at peace.

Anonymous said...

Phil actually sent this from Jim Weber. We do need to remember to pray for whoever wins after the election not just before. I will never understand how a Christian can vote for someone who wants to promote sin and thinks it is okay to kill babies even when they manage to survive an abortion and then actually thinks God will let us do well economically. I would gladly pay more taxes if meant we would stop killing babies. Fortunately God is in control and reading this might make you feel a little better.

Top 10 Predictions No Matter Who Wins the Election

1. The Bible will still have all the answers.

2. Prayer will still work.

3. The Holy Spirit will still move and soothe.

4. God will still hear the praises of His people.

5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.

6. There will still be singing of praise to God.

7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.

8. There will still be room at the Cross.

9. Jesus will still love you.

10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.

...and God approves this message!

This made me feel better..I'm hoping it does the same for you.

Amen to your Come Lord Jesus come.

I will keep praying for you as always.