Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, the UCN-01 is now officially dripping into Jim. I refused to post one more thing until I actually saw the drug going into his veins, and it finally is at 3:30. So, thank you so much for praying. We both have really had some spiritual struggles and have felt oppression. It's such a worldly place, a worldly City. I've met a lot of "Christians" but...well, I'm just not going there. Let's just say they don't...let's just say nothing. I'm too tired for it. Anyway, we have felt an unseen battle, so thanks so much for your prayers.

It turns out that Jim's blood is okay, that it just got watered down from them flushing it out. Not a big deal. They're pretty smart here, but little things happen. The nurses are very kind.

So, folks, that's it. Now, we sure hope it works.

I found out some of our med procedures might not be paid for by our insurance at home, and that I won't always have an opportunity to stay at the family lodge, as it gets booked up, but I'm not fussing about it today. I'll "worry" about that tomorrow I guess.

Well, family and friends. I am worn out, and for now all problems are solved. So,thanks for the prayers.

God Bless you


Anonymous said...

Matthew 6:25-26

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

I know you already know this...for now, just give a big sigh, cling to this truth, and hand over tomorrow to God.

May He bless you both mightily!

Enjoy a little peace,

Rachel said...

Oh, it was so good to hear from you. I've been thinking about you and praying for you. We'll keep praying. Keep us posted.
love you

k2shine said...

Hi Sister, We are so glad and give thanks for the trail to offically start. What kind of side effects?
It snowed today here pretty good and its freezing. Made soup-a was good and warmed us up.
All is okay here. Just constantly thinking of you two. Was thinking back how me and mark wanted to be with yinz when Jim got his first chemo wish we could of been there for the first trail one.
Well gonna watch bit of tv and go to bed. Maybe you'll call me first. I miss you
love me

Anonymous said...

Over here at the McCloskeys we were all praying - what a relief to read your email this morning!!! Praise God!! We love you!

Rachel said...

It's supposed to be 77-80 degrees here. I WANT SNOW! WAH! Sorry, I know there is much more important things in life but I had to share my whining with you like I have every November/December since we've moved to Colorado.
I love you my friend! Are you getting e-mail at all? Or is it just the blog?
Love you!

Unknown said...

no e-mail. Just the blog