Thursday, October 30, 2008

doc visit

Well, the doc visit was pretty good. Jim's blood is very good. Red and white blood cell count. That and no temp can mean that the radiation has slowed that tumor down a bit. Who know, maybe there will be something in MD?

Doc doesn't want to try any single chemo to try and help with Jim's pain, because that could possibly stall a trial, if he can participate and it's to be done soon.

Meanwhile, Jim told me today he's not sure he wants to do a trial. So?? I don't know. Doesn't matter. Today is good.

I worked on my door today, stripping the trim, the putty and all kind of stuff. It felt good to work. After being sick and just laying around with Jim cause I love him so much, I couldn't stand it anymore. I used to go to the gym 4 times a week. I haven't been there in a year. I'm turning into mush.


Rachel said...

Hi Dolly,
Sounds like relatively good news from the doctor. When will you know about the trial? Boy what a decision that would be! i don't blame Jim, he's been through so much. And I wouldn't blame you if you felt the same. We'll pray that God gives you both wisdom. As an encouragement, when Dad tried the Rituxin it was in "trial" stage and it did wonders for Dad. But then Dad's cancer hasn't been anything like Jim's so who knows but God! We will pray.
Thank you for the huge compliment about Gary's writing. It means a great deal, particularly during this season of my life. I'm encouraging him to contact a publisher. Even if we gave the book away it would be a fantastic outreach to have a book on Grace published. Obviously we'd have to change the name.
Well, this is too long for a blog so I better shut up.
I love you. Wish you were here. I've been in my shorts watering my roses. It's been in the upper 70s all week and supposed to continue that way for the whole five day forcast! Beautiful!
love you

Anonymous said...

Hi Rach:

Wow, so he was on a trial for Rituxin, huh? When I heard Jim's cancer was T-cell, we were so excited because it's curable, where many B cells aren't. Yeah, huh. But many B cell cancers can be slow growing, too. Anyway, praise God for that trial. Rituxin has been a life saver for many. Great drug, which has changed many B cell outcomes. Wouldn't it be great if the same were true for Jim?

I'm not going there. I'm not going anywhere close there. It really was just a thought. I haven't been living outside of each day. So, who knows. God.

Love you back