Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thanks for the wonderful replies and e-mails

Hi friends and family:

I've always said I could never be the mom of ten unless I had mom-of-ten grace. I couldn't bury a child, unless I had bury-a-child grace. I could never be a martyr for Jesus unless I had-martyr-for-Jesus grace. (However, I love him so much, that one I might fight that one in my flesh. But he's so gracious, he wouldn't make me do it myself.) I never thought of it in terms of manna, but I've always known that anything I've ever gone through that was tough was because HE gave me the grace to go through it. And He has given me the grace I need for this. I know that. And He'll give me the grace for the next day and the next day....

And it's still hard. Still very very hard.

Jim is taking some lasix today as he is retaining water, probably from the tumor growth surrounding the vena cava. His hands and feet are cold, probably from the same thing, but who really knows?

Barring no emergencies between now and Monday, we won't know much about anything about the MINT until then.

I talked and prayed with a friend, Bob Flowers, today, and that always helps me. What a wonderful man he is. He shared some of his stuff when he lost his wife of 50+ years. I couldn't help but feel cheated that I've only had 12 years so far. But I know that if I had 50 with Jim I wouldn't somehow feel more content to lose him, would I? Or would I?

Anyway, Jim is reading the blog, even though he doesn't write, and he is reading the replys and such, so thank you for being a part of our lives through your outreach, prayer, responses, calls, cards, gifts, etc. We love you all.


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