Friday, July 25, 2008

PET Scan Good

Hi everyone:

Well, Jim's pet scan was good. The mass that shrunk in half after the first chemo treatment, has shrunk is half after the second chemo treatment. It's now 1.8 X 1.5. The other LN's that lit up the first PET scan are all resolved. All that's left is .8 X .5 to go. We have an appt with the Stem Cell Transplant doctor, and he will determine how many more of these chemo treatments Jim is to have. Could be 3 more. He's in the hospital now getting his third treatment. I won't know what's up till the next appt.

This is very good news. However, it was very good news the first time, too, having totally disappreared after the second treatment, but it came back after the 5th treatment. So keep praying for him. We have to keep him in remission so that we can get him to the SCT, cause that's the only hope for a long-term remission.

Talked to the insurance people today, and they will not pay for clinical trials, so we have to have this basket of eggs work.

Jim's spirits were poor despite better news, only because he knows what this chemo treatment will do to him, but today he's doing better emotionally. 412.367.6700, room 6102 (I think) if you want to give him a call to lift his spirits.

K, gotta go finish cleaning the house. Woe is me....

]He still has pain. Imagine an increase of .8 X .5 causing pain, but it does. But he's off his medicine and it's certainly tolerable.


chrissie k said...

hey! love you -- and am so grateful for your time of rest in the woods. give my love to my sweet uncle! we really hope we can see you two sometime soon. we continue to pray. hugs and kissies.

Unknown said...

Thanks Chrissie. We love you too.

Unknown said...

Rach, I posted this reply to the message you posted from you missionary friends, but thought I would post it here in case you miss it. I wrote...

Hi Rach:

That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing that.

It's funny...I have truly learned that hard isn't bad. I really have. And I know that growth comes from it. And yet isn't it funny that no matter how much we grow and how great it is, we'll trade the hard for good in a second. Like kids in a candy shop.