Friday, July 11, 2008

The New Roof

Hi Everyone:

Well, it's a bit late, but better late than ever. Here are some pics of the roof being put on. This is the same day Jim went into the hospital because his cancer was back. It was a very good day, despite much craziness. Thank to the many many helpers who blessed us that day and all the days of this cancer trial. From cards to a new roof, you have all touched out hearts during this time.

The Boss and his apprentice.

"I have to do the whole roof all by myself."

We're over here, John.

Awww, some help. That's much better.

Hey, Mike, Matt, look, this is where Santa goes.

The Fiddler of the roof? No, it's Matt.

Part of the ground crew. Leah Baldauff, my dear daughter.

The wind is blowing in a norhtwesterly direction, Joe.

Roofer by day. Police officer by night. Both dangerous.

I need water.

The newlywed club (not counting you in the background Judy) Natalie, Ali, Mary & Leah. (There is someone else in the picture, too, but we don't know his or her name yet.) Ali is carrying a new littler roofer. Another beautiful grandchild on the way for Tom and Judy.

The Not-so-newlywed club. The stepford wives???? No.
Kim, Judy and Mary Joe.

Yes dear. No dear. I love you too, dear. That's our dear brother Tom. He's also Jim's best man and best friend.

Bill the boss. The roofing CEO. A loving brother and cracker of whips. When it's work time, he wants to see nothing but & elbows.

Another very special brother Joe. Our health guru.

I'll hold the chimney while you glue it.

Earth to John. Back to work. What was he thinking or seeing?

Even friends of our nephews came. We didn't even know them. Thanks guys.

The sun is fading, and there is a bit more to go. Bill says, "THAT'S IT, NOBODY IS GETTING PAID."
Because Jim was ill that day, I was the hospital and home and everywhere, but I would have loved to have taken some pictures of the nice spread all the dear women put together, and closeups of everyone, etc., but that didn't happen. I felt Amish for the day. :)
Many thanks to all you helped. We've had some bad storms lately, and NO MORE WATER IS COMING IN THE HOUSE. AND WITH THE NEW GUTTERS, NO WATER IN THE BASEMENT. YIPPEE.
We love and thank you all
Jim & Dolly

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