Saturday, July 12, 2008


You know we sure have been blessed by so many of your folks, in many ways and in many sizes, and I want to just tell you all we love you and appreciate you. From a handmade card to a new roof, and everything in between, thank you.

But I have to share another fun blessing.

Somewhere on the blog I was "thinking out loud" about things to do and such, and I mentioned "cut the grass." I thought, "I need to get a tractor and asked brother Tom to be on the lookout for a good deal." Lickety split, before I knew it, I had a grass cutting crew from church at my door. And Tom told me that Kenny and Nat found a FREE tractor, and Mike was looking at a cutting deck in Irwin.

One day I come home from the hospital and noticed 2 paths of grass cut. I was thinking, "who did that." I turned around and there is a like new tractor sitting in the yard. And there was no way this was a free tractor. So, I thought. Hmmmm, maybe it's somebody's tractor from church and it broke down. There was no key in it, so I figured that must be it. I thought that those guys really take their grass cutting seriously to bring a tractor. But that still didn't seem right. So I check the doors, and no notes are there. I go to the shed, and there are 2 keys, new parts, new blades, a leaf raker, a leaf catcher, and fertilizer spreader. Not to mention that the tractor has a grass catcher. I immediately knew it was Tom and Judy and called them and said, "Liar liar, pants on fire. There is no way this is a free tractor." And it wasn't. BUT IT WAS A GREAT DEAL.

So, not only are Jim and I blessed with a new tractor, but all of a sudden the grass crew from church have an easier time at cutting the grass. Again, God has used our friends and family to love us and show us his love.

Thank you all for being the arms of God so that Jim and I could feel His love. We would be so sad without it. We love you all.

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