Monday, June 2, 2008

Good news, bad news

The good news is that my Jimmy is home.

The bad news is now he seeing my crying my heart out, so I have to find a hiding place.


It's so wonderful to have him home


Mary said...

I'm glad Jim's home!

Hope you had a nice cry.

Still praying daily.

Love yinz,


Rachel said...

Dear Dolly,

I understand what you mean about Jim being home and hearing you cry. That was the trouble in our suffering as Nathaniel and Bethany got old enough to see my tears and hear me cry. I think they probably thought that all mothers eyes were red and puffy all the time! In any case, I hear your pain and feel it with you.

I don't know if this is a practical suggestion or not but if Jim is able to do anything "fun" I would suggest that the two of you throw caution to the wind and go do some fun things, even if you move his "sick room" from your house to the cottage for the weekend. It isn't "healthy" to sit home and be sad all the time for you or for Jim. If you were able to go somewhere and be lighthearted for awhile and enjoy something together that you've always had fun with in the past, it might really give you both some emotional relief. I realize that the "new normal" will be quite different than the "old normal" but as I've seen in the people around me as well as my own life, when their is a tragedy it really helps to treat yourself to some good old fashioned fun and laughter. When Nathaniel wasn't expected to live, way back many years ago, Gary and I went to a hilarious movie together and laughed until we nearly peed our pants! It was such good medicine for us to be able to laugh together despite our baby being near death. As we look back, that is one of our fondest memories during that time! Other times we might just go to a park for a picnic, which of course is fairly simple but got us out of the routine of the incredible sadness of our life.

Anyway, I don't know if Jim is able to do anything at all but if he is I would get him out and create some good memories.

We love you both!
