Monday, August 16, 2010

So, here's what's going on

Well, I have much to say, so will try and keep it informative, yet brief.

This trip was VERY HARD. On Jim and me. It seems with me, that every trip wears me out more and more. It's kind of cumulative. Often, I still feel like I haven't moved home yet from the 8 months that we lived the lodge, the Hilton, the Hyatt, Bob and Shelley's, etc. As this type of thing continues.

This trip, I:

packed up from cottage with Jim sick
unpacked at home
packed for the NIH
rushed Jim to NIH
unpaced to Hilton for 1 night
Jim's admitted to hopt
packed and left Hilton
unpacked into the Lodge for 1 night
packed and left Lodge
unpacked to Bob and Shelley's for a few nights
packed and left Bob and Shelley's
unpacked into the Lodge for 1 night
unpacked to come home
packed Jim up
unpacked at home (Jim helped big time here)

This is just an example of what it is like when we go there for an acute issue. And that doesn't include eating out of vending machines, not knowing where I"m going sometimes until 4:00 p.m., driving, blah blah blah. I just can't do this anymore. And then come home and work my butt off. The doctors/counselor could see it on me, and so we had an appointment. This is the funny part and their help.

So, here's what they are suggesting. I drive Jim to the airport. Jim gets in a wheel chair and they wheel him to his airline. Flys to the NIH. Someone at the airport there, meets him with wheelchair. They take him to his luggage and to the NIH Shuttle. Jim Shuttles to the NIH. When he's done, he then takes the Shuttle to the Hotel Room. He then takes the Shuttle to the Airport, where he gets in a wheel chair...well, you get the picture. THIS IS SO LUDICROUS THAT I....oh forget it. OH WAIT...AND HE'S TO DO THIS EVERY 2 WEEKS. They want him down there every 2 weeks.

Here is what is up with Jim.

They believe it is only C-diff, and not GVHD of the gutt. And they treated him/are treating him for it. While treating him for that, they had to pump him up with dilauded because the GVHD medicine just causes the neuropathy pain to increase so much that he can't even bear it. So, as of now, the c-diff is still being treated for, and Jim is not taking any medicine to stop the GVHD. Maybe the GVHD will stop on its own. Maybe it will take over. We don't know.


Anonymous said...

Can you post the dates? Bill said he would take him...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Karen, that is so kind. I'm not sure of any dates yet. I will let you know. I miss you. I lost my phone charger down at NIH, so couldn't take your calls. Busy like crazy since at home, of course. Talk to you soon.

We have so needed help. Thank Bill for me again.