Tuesday, May 18, 2010

we're home. Sick, but we're home

Well, we're home. Jim potentially has strep throat (cultured yesterday) (that may explain his temperature while in Israel). He has white lumps on his throat, and I have bronchitis or something like that. Anyway, we're both on antibiotics and we're both home. We're both very sick, so please pray for us.


Anonymous said...

I wrote the email before I read the blog. Do you need anything? Want me to make some soup or something???

Hang in there...

Love you,

Mary said...

I'm so glad you made it home safe but not glad that you are sick :( soooo sorry!

Can't wait to hear allll 'bout it! When you are feeling better!

Love yinz,


Anonymous said...

Praying. Looking forward to hearing about the trip.

Kelly said...

Oh man. Sorry to hear this. I hope you guys make a fast recovery. When it rains it pours at your house... good thing summer is just around the corner. ;)

mary jo said...

Welcome back Israelites! I hope You weren't sick too much while away. I'll be praying and I'll call soon but want to give your throat a break. Joe is in NYC. So what else is new. ---He'll be back tonight. Pray for us too please. Love,MJB