Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to Jim

Well, I was going to get all contemplative and all, but I just can't go there. I was going to take you down another journey, but when I checked the date to make sure it actually was this day last year, I started to read last year's journal and saw the pics of Jim and all. It's crazy, freaky, unreal.

Last year was Jim's stemcell transplant. It's been 1 year today. I can't get over it. So slow of a year, so fast. So challenging, so filled with personal growth. It's been filled with fear and hope. Spiritual growth and spiritual questions. Filled with soooooo many questions. Our lives are still filled with questions. It's been filled with blessings and love lavished on us, and yet it's been filled with loneliness. Long drives, hotels in and out, lodges, shots, blood tests, Jim never getting out of bed. Strings. LET'S NOT GO THERE... Go read for yourselves. I can't go there. Not because it's a sad ending, it's not. But it's like I haven't recovered yet. Why do I want to talk about it, when I just lived it. And we still are. So, maybe I'll post in a few days something profound. LOL.

Life keeps taking a chunk out of our butts. I had a wonderful lunch with a friend, to come home to find out that our health insurance converts to medicare and such. Not sure if I'm covered and such. Meanwhile the day before...THE DAY BEFORE Jim talked to PPG Human Resources with questions to find he must have spoken to someone who didn't know anything. Anyway, we still have this daily trauma stuff, one thing after another, but it's changed. It's impact has changed. So, well, when I get profound, maybe I"ll share. LOL.

But I do have to say this. JIM IS DOING MAWWWWWWWVALOUS.

What we want to know is does this make Jim 68 years old since it's his stem cells that make it Jim's birthday???? THANKS BROTHER BOB. WE THINK OF YOU SOOOOOOOO OFTEN. Without your sacrifice our Jimmy wouldn't be here. Go look at this date last year, on the blog. There's a picture of Bob. All covered up with bubbles because the procedure for him could lower his temp and all. He looked so tired when he visited Jim. Wow.

Well, I'm going to watch the olympics with my Jumbo. I wanted to have a party for him, but I just couldn't do it. Will I ever be normal again? I don't feel so. But today, while Jim went to the doctor himself and to the store, I went and sat with a friend and talked for 4 hours, and she taught me more about knitting, and it was sweet. ANNNNND, I came home, and there was not phone calls about my dad, nothing bad in the mail, well, it was actually a normal day. String a few of them together, and I'll have a whole week. Bring it on. AND IT DIDN'T SNOW. Wow.

Saw a great sign on the way to my friends. It was a church sign. It say. Punxsatawny Phil, we know where you live. LOL. I loved it.

Okay, Jim says it's his birthday and I'm not paying attention to him. LOL. I gotta go.

Bye for now

Friday, February 12, 2010


Hi faithful readers:

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. I've been struggling with words lately. Still am, but here I go.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately. For instance. I have turned 49 a few days ago. Snowed in, I shoveled snow. Not a big deal. I'm not a fan of birthdays really. Not because of age reasons or anything. I just think they are more for kids. I mean, isn't there enough to do in life let alone have to remember everyone that we love's birthday. Maybe it's because I'm so lousy at remembering? Anyway, I remember last year. Take a walk with me. I guess shoveling is a good birthday.

Last year I spent my birthday in tears in the hospital not knowing what was going on. There were the old setons to deal with. And the stem cell transplant was coming soon. I was in and out of the lodge, the dates were changed, and I couldn't go celebrate with Shelley and kids. And she was even going to make me a pie. I was so scared. Jim was so weak. I was scared of many things. Of it not working, of being away from home so long, of my dad dying while I was gone, and on and on it goes.

Let's go back further. The birthday before that, well, John and Leah were here and Jim got out of the hospital from having finally been diagnosed, having a port put in, a bone marrow biopsy, a blood transfusion and his first chemo treatment. I slept on a ratty old cot to be with him. He came home and there was no pie, but he was home. But I was scared.

The year before that. That was the year of Johnny's wedding, Leah's shower, Jim's knee surgery and the beginning of Jim's pain. That birthday was very painful for reasons I care not to go into here, but trust me. IT WAS BAD... Followed by wedding stress, with Jim popping pain pills like candy to try and stay pain free at the wedding. It was scary.

Back to the present... as I think back, I'm amazed to see what God has done in my life. There were so many things I didn't feel I would ever get through, but I did. And the best thing of all...I'm not scared anymore. Maybe I'm too tired to be too scared. :) I don't know. But it's good.

Jim is doing okay. He's troubled by me having to deal with the snow and put the garbage out and all of that, as he wants to be my hero, but it's okay. He is my hero. In so many ways. Hard stuff just points to some changes that we may possibly have to make. The guy we hired to help us with snow removal bailed on us, but thankfully, once again, our church is there loving us like the brothers and sisters they are. Bible study is going well, I have a great bunch of ladies in my class, and I'm even playing bells again. When practice isn't canceled because of snow. My bell teacher, she beat cancer 3 times. Her husband is in his 80's and he sets up and takes down the tables and music and carry's the bells, etc. Amazing folks, and I'm glad to be around them. They encourage me. Jim is searching and trying to find his way still, but he is doing so so so SOOOO well in his mind. And he has been all the way. I praise God for that. I still pray that God would heal his pain.

I was downstairs, and I heard Mercy Me's Almost home, and started balling. That song was being played like crazy on the radio day after day of not being home. It made me think back.

I also think back on Bob and Shelley and the kids, the restaurants I ate at, the stores I shopped at, my favorite bead shop, and even my 30 mile mistake bike ride. It was my home away from home and in some weird way I miss it, but I don't want to go back. My skin just doesn't fit anymore

Well, we go to the NIH in March, and I'm thankful that I haven't had to drive down there throughout this winter. Can't wait for the change of spring. The birds singing of God's love to me.

So, things are good. Even if I do feel weird and struggle with words.

God bless you all
Love me