Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I can't believe it


Jim and I were watching Channel 13 "old Kennywood." And I'm all nostalgic and sad. I just read Amy's post (I responded Ame, go read it.) And she's not had Mineo's and now she's leaving Pittsburgh forever. Well, if you've never been to Mineo's or Kennywood, well...Yinz ain't from Pittsburgh.

Thanks so much for your encouragement, all of you, encouraging me to be me. I'm so hard on myself. My friend Rach e-mailed me and hit it on the head. It's not that I try to be everything to everybody, but one on one, I would talk different ways to different people. For instance. If I were to say, "I want to die" to my sister, she would know that I'm having a bad moment. Karen would think I'm having a bad day. K might say, "that's how I felt yesterday." Somone that I don't know well from church may say, "I thought she was more spiritually mature than that. So, when I write here on this blog, there are all kinds of readers and I end up worrying that many of you will misunderstand or won't get it. See, what I mean. Sometimes I just want to talk about the Lord or Jim, or not Jim at all, but then I try to remember the audience and it gets all convoluted. So, thanks for your encouragement. I'll just keep being me.

Another thing that I've really discovered throughout all of this is that not everybody is for everything. I've learned that certain women are the "go to girl" for this, but not for that. And it's not a contest or a matter of this one is better than that. It's just learning about people and myself and expectations, etc.

So, anyway. Jim continues to push and push himself trying to get strong. It's working a bit. But he's so exhausted. My concern is that as the day goes on, he gets more weary. I watch him stumble more, and I'm concerned that he's going to hurt himself. He trips. He loses his balance and almosts fall.

His neuropathy continues to cause him great pain and problems. He has petikei (pa tiki eye) which can be liver problems, from low platelets...a lot of things. He went to the doctor today. All he got there was a big hug. But we love our doctor, so that was good. His blood was taken, but it's not the NIH, and it had to get sent out, and who knows how long it will be until the NIH gets it. We don't know what his red blood cells are, his white, his neutrophils, his platelets. It's worrisome. His last PET scan, while it said there is no cancer, it mentioned some really weird stuff.

Well, Jim was going to do the cooking of dinner because he likes to cook and because I have so much to do. I think once in a while will be okay, but it's just too much for him. So, our church is cooking for us a bit. Thank you church for once again standing in the gap by providing meals for us. You are so good to us. We hope to see you soon and come to church in our pew. MAYBE THIS WEEKEND. However, we really shouldn't be hugging. So, if we see you and don't hug you, know it's just for Jim's protection.

Let's see...what else. OH....WELL, WE CONNECTED OUT DIGITAL BOX FOR TELEVISION, AND IMAGINE my wonderful SURPRISE when I opened the box and saw yet ANOTHER REMOTE CONTROL. That's like 6 for the TV in the livingroom. And the weird thing is...all those buttons...what are they for? We press on/off and the up or down arrow and volume. Did you ever think of how many buttons you press all day, whether it's on cell phones, computers, remote controls, etc.

Okay, well there were bunches more of things I wanted to say, but I'm tired. Sorry this is long, but....oh wait. No I'm not. That's me. Long winded and jumping from thing to thing tonight.

While I'm jumping, I want to jump to Australia. Gary, you out there? You okay? I'm thinking of you from this side of the world.

It sure feels good to be home. I worked in the garden today. How nice.



Anonymous said...

Well, you made me must have been at my house yesterday! :-)

Don't have time for a long response as Bobo is still sick and needy...

But, while I realize I have not "experienced" Mineo's, I stand firm that I AM a true Pittsburgher :-)...I've eaten my Primanti sammiches, drunk my Iron City, ridden the Thunderbolt more times than I can count, gone to sousside for fried pickles...hmmm, I'm sure there's more, but little guy is calling me.

Having said all that, however, I'll be glad to share some Mineo's with you some day and give you my "pizza opinion".

Now the question for you...have you ever had Sir Pizza???


P.S. Thought we could use a little bit of lightheartedness today.

Mary said...

Is it to late to go hunting hellgies?
Going fishing for 15 minutes now before we try to fundraise some more in front of the Subways!

ME is back from Chicago from visiting with Max. She sounded good!

Much love and still praying,


Anonymous said...

no, you can go helgie hunting. Have you found a place yet around here? Me and Jim keep thinking Pine Creek, but he's been sick since we've thought of it.