Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Too Much Information....and no desire to share it.

Sorry, I haven't written. I hope I haven't caused any of you to worry.

I'm very tired of this whole thing, and that includes the blog. I am writing this mostly out of duty, with no desire. I don't have the desire for much these days. I'm not depressed. But I'm just not interested.

It's like Groundhog Day. That is what our lives have become. It's all the same day. And we're not at the point, where we are running to save the boy from the falling tree, or fixing someone's flat tire. We're probably more at the point of jumping off the building or driving the truck over the cliff. :)

Well, here's the bottom line with


  • his broken rib is killing him
  • he now has GVHD. He went for a biopsy last Monday, but it wasn't developed enough. They will probably biopsy him tomorrow. It's starting to get worse. It's on his torso and now a bit on his neck and face. Again, some GVHD is good cause it shows the new immune system is working, however, we don't want it to get bad, and so far with Jim, a lot of thing go wrong, so it's a bit of a concern.
  • has osteopenia, frail bones, and he need meds, but not sure if it can be done right now because of the other problems.
  • has a broken tooth that is causing him great pain, and is going to see a dentist tomorrow at the clinic. It needs to be pulled, but they can't do it because of platelets are so low.
  • his blood is horrific. White blood cells and platelets are the pits. There is so much wrong, with his blood numbers, I don't know where to begin. Tomorrow there will be lots of questions.
  • he has low grade fever, for almost a week now. Could be the GVHD or ????a few other things.
  • he is cold all the time. Well, freezing all the time.
  • has terrible swelling of his legs and feet with gaining water. They can't use Lasix because of his kidney numbers.
  • has an infected toe. (We laugh because the doctors said, we want to know everything. Even if his toe is sore, we want to know it.) Well, guess what doc...Jim's toe is sore.
  • his neuropathy is horrible for him. No improvement.
  • degenerated vertebrae, which causes added discomfort.
  • he needs special shoes to walk, but can't get fitted for them because of the swelling in his feet.
  • Needs physical therapy, but can't get it because of the broken rib
  • The traffic is horrible, and I'm sick of going to the hotel. I'm just too worn out for even that.
  • We are usuallydrive 2 hours, are at the hospital for 6 hours with 2 hours of driving home. I probably push him around from test to clinic to pharmacy to PT to day hospital, to exray to blood lab to another test in the wheel chair to the tune of about 2 miles. Hospital days are usually from about 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. And it takes Jim 2 days to wake up from them almost. Touch stuff twice a week. Last week, we got to do that 3 times.

and on and on and on it goes. Where it stop, nobody knows.

The weather here is stinko. Rain and cold for weeks now. It's mirrored Pittsburgh's weather, except Pittsburgh actually had some nicer days, so that stinkeths.

Easter...well, it's great because of Jesus, but pretty much stunk otherwise. (sorry John and Leah. It had nothing to do with you.) I ruined cooking breakfast. I ruined Easter dinner. I even blew it when I went shopping for easter dinner. I couldn't even think of what to buy. And I didn't want to cook anyway. If it wasn't that I wouldn't be seeing John and Leah for a year or more, I would have told them not to come. I can't seem to handle too much of anything more except Jim's care.

So, how was your week? LOL

I have so much more to say, but I'm not going to. :)

We're enjoying Bob and Shelley's kids, and their home. We're so glad we're not at a hotel room. I'm wondering about long term though. The way things are going now, there is NO WAY we'll be out of here in 6 weeks.

Who knows


Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say, I know what I need to do and I have everyone I know doing that.

2 days ago when brother Dave stopped in waiting for Kathy he says how's things what have you been up to. I said believe it or not life's been like that movie Ground Hog Day I told him.

Then yesterday after my mammo no one was stealing my praise and glory, and enemy tried so hard and he did win over an extra taco at dinner, thou.

Sun is out today and I hope you guys will have the same beautiful God given sky as we are gonna have next few days.

I love you both and miss you so much. Talk to you soon to do the mail.

Rest well in arms of Jesus!

Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Jim and Gloria:

Thank you for sharing your situation with us. It does help us focus our prayers. We hope that knowing many people are praying for you will increase your strength and patience.

We love you guys and we are brokenhearted that you are so far away that it makes it impossible for us to help in tangible ways.

We pray that the sonshine will sustain you through the gloomy days.

Maddy and Sam

Rachel said...

We love you and we pray for you.

All our love
Rachel, Gary, Nathaniel and Bethany

Anonymous said...

As much as a pain as it is for you to continue this, thanks for the update.

We love you and want to know how you're doing.

We will continue to pray about this whole situation.

May God's peace surround you amidst the pain and numbness of it all...

If I recall, Groundhog's Day had a happy ending, did it not?

Love you,

Anonymous said...

True about the happy ending, but they ended up staying in Punxsatawny. And he had to listen to Sonny and Cher in the morning, for like a billion years. What's that.

Anonymous said...

Point taken :-)

mary jo said...

I forget what "Groundhog Day" is about except that everything is stuck like a broken record. Did he really have to listen to Sonny and Cher forever? That could be punishment enough. ---Thanks for posting even though you're sick of it Dol because it does help us to know what to pray about. We love You and are sorry everything is so stinky. MJB and JB (going to China Mon. can You believe it!!)only Joe not me.

Judi said...

I read this a couple days ago and was relieved that you were okay, but just didn't know what to say. I can't imagine what your lives are like. I'm praying that they are normal again soon. Uncle Jim I'm praying for a brand new body for you. Aunt Dolly I'm praying for renewal of body, mind, and spirit for you.

I love you both so much and you are always on my mind and in my prayers.

Be at peace.