Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Will it EVER end?


Well, I"m sick as a dog. I got my meds and my bed, and my Neti pot. (I'm thinking of you Kristen. And congrats on the boy. As my sis said, great name. I won't forget that it. :) I trust everything is in order.)

You know, if I don't write, that doesn't mean that the drama has ended. You're just missing on some. But don't worry, there's more to go around...This whole nightmare gives new meaning to drama queen. I only wish I was making some of this stuff up.

Anyway, early in the morn, the doc said they wanted me to come in Thursday so I can learn how to take care of Jim. (LOL...laugh,,,cough, sputter, choke) He told them no, that I was too sick. So, they aren't going to let him out until I"m better, possibly. Which makes us wonder how anyone with a SCT can live with anyone else...But anyway, Jim continues to be nauseated, so they want to do an upper GI tomorrow to make sure that it isn't GVHD of the stomach. After talking to Jim, the GI doc doesn't think it's GVHD, which is good, cause that's one of the worse places to get it, but just to be safe, they want to do this procedure. So, Jim is NPO again tonight. But of course, they don't know what time they will do "the procedure" tomorrow. I hope it's not a retake of the last procedure. HOWEVER... on Thursday, as part of the seriesof many tests, they are going to do another bone marrow biopsy. For those of you who don't know what it's like, it's like this....Taking a hand drill and twisting it and twisting it through the skin and everything else, on your hip, and into the bone and through the bone and into the marrow. Nice, huh? Jim tells them that they aren't doing it unless they put him to sleep. This will be his 4th one, and he's done with them. They are so very painful. So, they say they will check with the doc. Jim says, "I"ll be put under tomorrow during the upper GI, do it then." So, they are going to see if they can. Well, this ought to be good.

Anyway, all sarcasm aside, pray that they do both at the same time, that both tests are negative, that Jim's bone marrow is negative for cancer, but positive for Bob's cells. And pray that I get better soon, so that Jim can come home, and pray that I don't get sick again, because this is very nuts. If I wasn't so exhausted, I would laugh.

There's no tv here, which isn't a major thing, except for when I'm sick and I can't do anything, so I just sit in my room watching clips of "the office" trying to figure out what my son likes it. I'm starting to "get it", which is scary. Jim and I rented Dan in real life, and really liked Steve Carol in that, so I thought maybe that would be good to see online. I don't know what I would have done if Johnny hadn't given me this computer. However, I can't believe I'm missing March madness, especially with Pitt being 1st in the east for the first time every. But heck I have my own brand of madness.


1 comment:

k2shine said...

goodmorning Jim and Sister.

Sister? Did you go see a doctor? if so what he say? Guess how I woke up this morning? Wondering if you have health insurance now that Jim isnt working lost mine when Mark got hurt. Just popped in my head when I thought if you were any better. Yeah I hear you saying "your weird"

Pitt game is friday 2:55pm see if they have it on the laptop to watch, Sister. Might even find it online radio playing it.

Glad Jim asked for that bone marrow test to be under. Good going Jimmy! As for youl, to have class on taking care of Jim you know what I'm thinking about that!

Continue taking care of yourself, and Jim keep on those NHI folks.

I have 6 blooming crocus's and the Robins are back. Played ball and blew bubbles with Christa. Spring is here in my book.

I love and miss you both and will pray for all your needs. Thanks again for that update wanted to call but your throat sounded so sore Sister. xoxox