Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 11

Well, it's early day 11, so I have no idea what it holds, but the last few days have been....crazy? Who knew...

Jim was feeling better and deciding to do some laps.

As you can see, "JB" refuses to be lapped by another sicko, so he did 10 laps a few days ago to be in the lead. Not to mention the 30 leg slides and 30 leg lifts he did in bed. Well, he paid for that. The next day he thought he was dying. He felt weird. So much so that they docs came in and ordered extra tests and such because he was feeling so bad. He insisted something was wrong. (other than the marathon, Jim? I don't think so.) He even looked online for side effects of meds he's on. I simply told him, that the drugs he's on, the cancer, the SCT, they can kill you. NEXT... (all people in research should stay off the internet) Well, the docs concur. You over did it Jim. So, he was horizontal the next day and needed a platelet transfusion. He had an allergic reaction to that and his eyes puffed up. One day the blood is excellent, the next day it's horrible. The butt continues to be a big..well, pain in the butt. The docs checked it out, and when they put the gauze back in, they smash the string braids...well, let's just say they don't do it as well as I do, and they irritated him, causing him lots of pain. And they give him 3gms of IV Dilauded. So, it's a big circle of care.

Throughout this all, his appetite continues to remain stronger. And that is good. I've been cooking a bit at the lodge, but it's hard to transport warm food with no supplies, but it gives him a break from Hopt. food.

We've been playing Carcasonne online against each other (I have more experience than him) and he's getting pretty good. It won't be to long where I'll have to be defending myself, fighting for my life. Jim thinks I'm competitive. Well, after seeing the lap board, and watching his Carcasonne score get higher and higher each game, it will be no time, before I"m left in the dust there. And when I try to steal his City (game talk) he gets madder than HE double hockey sticks. That's a good sign.

Day 10 showed no GVHD for those who were wondering. We did find out though that they will give Jim another PET scan on the 28th day to see if there is any cancer growing back. That's 17 days from now, so that's probably a good time.

I've been having a very hard time lately. I am sooooooooooooo done with the hospital, the lodge, everything about Jim's sickness. I remember when my dad was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and my sister and I would take turns each day to be with him, staying maybe 4 hours each. IT WAS HECK. Terrible. Well, I guess that was a warm up for this. But I'm overdone. I have to reassure Jim this has nothing to do with him and my love for him. But I just can't stand it anymore. Everyone else down here has someone with them. I have to laugh when I hear 2 women sit at the kitchen, complaining about how hard it is, and they've been at it for 2 months now. And then their loved one with cancer walks in....all by himself. And he's able to stay at the lodge for a day or two. I guess this validates my feelings, not that I need validation, but... Today I prayed for deliverance not only for Jim but for me too. I have one more week here at the Lodge before I'm booted out. I'm going to Bob and Shelley's because my charge is too high from previous hotel costs, and I'm not paying that anymore, AND...I need a change. I need to be away from the hospital setting. To walk around a neighborhood, to feel like life has something else to offer but what it has in the last 20 months. I know it would help me soooooo much if my sister could be here, but alas, she has to take care of my dad, so. Anyway. All of that moaning just to say, this is the first morning in a long time that I have woken up and just wanted to run away to anywhere else. But unless I can take my Jumbo with me, I won't. But God, I need something extra.

If me wanting to call it quits is too hard for some of you to read, feel free to stay away and go read some other blog. In fact, I insist. Go. I suggest the "Oh, I'm fine" blog, authored by Rebecca from Sunnybrook Farms. :)


k2shine said...

Sister, remember up at the cottage when you had to come and save me and Jim from that walk. He pushed there too. Maybe they can have PT come in and tell him how to pace it all. Get Jimbo into that c & k game. I like that better that that ta lou lou game. That's what I call that.

Thanks for the visual of the lap board that was neat seeing JB xxxxx and his all different colors.

I Love you both and Miss you so much that its hurting and I'd be there in second to switch up and help out darn tootin' I would.

Dad's big day at the VA.
Hey it's snowing there huh. Not here but its cold.

prayers as much today as before for you both.
mysister xoxo
Ps 37:5 Depend on the Lord; trust him and he will take care of you.

Unknown said...

I know you would be there, sister. In a heart beat. Oh my goodness. I forgot about that day at the bird sanctuary. He's a hardhead, Isn't he. He was so glad that I rescued him that day, wasn't he? It almost killed me. LOL. It was soooooo hot. I think ran for a mile straight never stopping. Sheesh. No wonder I'm tired. LOL.

Anonymous said...


Sam and Maddy Karpiak said...

Hi guys! Thanks for the updation.

Looking at the "lap board" made me wonder if Patsy was a man or woman... just thinking to myself... either Patsy is a slacker or if he/she is just waiting back like the "turtle strategy" while the "hares" wear themselves out. My twisted humor... sorry.

Gloria: I totally get the wanting to be done with the hospital, etc. That's how you feel and eventhough we can't always act on our feelings... we can't deny them either. I know you will be okay and Jim will be too. He's an awesome dude!

Love you guys,
Maddy & Sam, too.

mary jo said...

I think what is so lovable about You is that you aren't Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms. I'm glad you're so honest about it all. Jim is such a Baldauff-anybody who is one knows what I mean. I'm glad he didn't hurt himself being a type A lap runner in the hospital. I heard you got a lot of snow. We were worried about Jess driving back last night. She texted Joe at 2am that she was finally home. I guess the roads got bad. I'm sure they either had a day off today or a delay. We took Danny back to school (Grove C.)yesterday. He and his girl,Kristin from New Hampshire had a few days break and stayed at Matt's since we were away. Dan has 1 engineering course and is hoping to transfer to engineering from physics when they have an opening. -We're thinking and praying for you. Love,MJB&JB

Anonymous said...

I loved all your comments.

Patsy's a slacker.

Sitting on her darn stem cell transplant butt eating bon bons. ;)

Mary said...

I come here to read especially for the *hard stuff!*

Got Jim's email today - way cool.

Going to lunch with ME on Friday. I'll print some of the blog out for her.

Lots of prayers going out your way!

Love ya,


Anonymous said...


We're always glad to hear your honesty in the midst of this struggle. Tell Jim to tone it down a bit and enjoy a few computer games...there will be times for him to do the "Chariots of Fire" run later :-).

BTW, I was rereading the Anne of Green Gables books recently, and it occurred to me that I could keep it all together too, if I had a live-in maid/nanny/friend like she did. You're doing just fine!

Love you,