Friday, January 30, 2009

Some update!!!!

Hi All:

Thanks for your posts. I always forget to check the meter to see about the hits. It's really not a big deal. Like I said, I think it's more that we feel alone when we are down here. See...there I go with that feeling stuff again. ;)

What a day. Jim's CT scan was supposed to be at 12:30. Because of all types of snafu's that I won't bore you with, he didn't get his CT scan until almost 3:30. 10 minutes after getting back, the surgeon said he can see no abscesses from Jim's surgery. That quick it was posted on the computer. But he's not a cancer doc and doesn't read that portion of it, so despite the results being a click away, we couldn't get them. And no one else came, so we have no idea about the cancer and size and such. We hope that because it's a weekend and the team is gone that someone else can give us some info on that, but we will have to wait and see. That's hard to do when you really want to know. Was it hard for you waiting today and wanting to know? Not that it changes anything. You just want to know. But at home, geeze it takes almost a week, so I guess I can't complain.

Jim is supposed to also have a PET scan on Monday. It's 10:30 and Jim just got done bathing. Well, it was such a busy day our heads are spinning. Rather than go on and on, I will just tell some more of the highlights.

LODGE: No room at the Lodge until Feb 5th. Then I can stay until the 8th. Then I have to leave for 2 nights, and then I can come back. What a pain in the neck that is. Then to boot, the social worker tells me that I can get even booted out of that. It's happened to her 3 times this week. So, this is all a bit disappointing. Jim just doesn't want me driving the drive to Bob and Shelley's (I think he wants me close to him, which I understand) but I may have to. But Bob is going out of town and Shelley is out of town until Feb 10th, and I don't know their house and it would be scary to be by myself. Heck a neighbor could knock on the door, and I wouldn't even know if it was a neighbor or not. Anyway.

JIM: We have no idea how long they will keep him here. And with his problems it's scary. If he leaves, has a problem, he has to come back. If I was at the lodge, then leave, that cancels me out, and it's all very complicated. Really, they spent 7 million on a lodge that sleeps 35 people. But it has a grand piano. Why don't they open one of the floors in the old part of the hospital and put up some bunk beds...HELLO....

The surgeon tested Jim's surgery site today and really hurt him. He had to get a shot of dilauded. He turned so red, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He said it was the worse pain that he ever had. And I believe him. He's also still neutropenic. His immune system is shot. The chemo is destroying him. It's just what they want for the SCT.

He's trying not to worry and rest in the Lord, so this is good. But is the cancer growing or not?

SCT: Turns out, they want to use Bob, and no Bill. Long story and something about the Alleles. Nancy the scientist probably knows all about that, huh Nance? Anyway, they want Bob. So, Billy and Bob, Zetta should have called you by now. I hope this works out okay.

Jim's has a week's worth of screening, starting on the 3rd. Every test imaginable, including another bone marrow biopsy. Even the dentist. Then he has to get some mild chemo, and they will probably do the STC on the 18th of February.

Well, there's more, but that's the important stuff to pray for. I have to get going and add some more nights to my hotel stay before midnight so I can get the same price.

Well, good night my friends. If I work out tomorrow, I'll pray for us all again.

Love Gloria (and Jim)


k2shine said...

Hello, short and sweet Sister cause its 6 degrees. Marks going up today to check on everything and the plants. We got another 3 inches of snow yesterday. Hope its warmer for you as you go back and forth to the hospital. Yanno from what I read in response and just talking and reading emails from people you and Jim are certainly on their hearts as they all continue to pray for you both. I love you and Jim. Have a good day with your Jimbo

mary jo said...

The snow keeps piling up so Tucky and I are out to shovel this am. It's nice to see some blue in the sky today. We love you and certainly are keeping you in prayer. That's good if you can go to the gym. It will help with your bodily stress. I know I actually felt better after shoveling a couple days ago. I've been re-reading Col:1,9-12 about endurance.It's good;read.Love,MJB

Unknown said...

Hi Dolly. I would appreciate if you could post Jim's new number so that I can give him a call sometime. Give Jim my love and I love you, too! Tom

Unknown said...

Hey Tom, I don't have Jim's number, but will be sure to call you with it later. We love you, too.