Monday, January 12, 2009

sighs of relief

Hi Everyone:

Well, yesterday, Jim and I had a good day. He got a day pass, and we went got a piece of pizza. TURNS OUT OUR LAST AVDENTURE WAS NOT food poisoning. The NCI was attacked with the flu, which we caught. The docs encouraged us to go out last time, so out we went. This time, it was good to go, as well. We came back to the lodge and took a nap, watched the the Steelers win, and went back to the hopt.

It gave Jim and I a good time to talk, and we've decided that during the STC we will stay with family, as they are very very willing to have us, and I am very very afraid of all that could happen if we didn't. Jim just didn't want to put anyone out, and yet all I could think am I going to move furniture, find a safe place, a place we can afford, what if I get sick, the car breaks down, my dad gets sick, what if Jim gets sick and I can't get him into the car, or he falls or I have to go to PA in an emergency, etc. So, we are going to stay with Bob and Shelley, God Love them...

We will have to stay at a hotel for a few weeks, just to be super close, but as time goes by, we think it will be okay to go a bit further away from the institute.

Our insurance would never approve a Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant (ASCT) And no doctors would do one anyway unless Jim had 3 months of remission, which we know never happened. This transplant costs 500,000.00. Yep, half a million bucks. What a blessing to be able to receive it. So, I wasn't going to complain to Jim about where we stayed. But I feel so much better knowing that he's on board, too.

Okay, well, I'm going over to the hopt. to visit my dear hubs. I just love that guy. It's so nice to see his smile back. Oh my goodness, but it's nice. If Jim continues to do well, we will be able to come home Tuesday or so.



Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have a place to stay...what a relief for you both!


Anonymous said...

P.S. Saw little arms and legs kicking around on Friday, so it looks like Baby S. #3 is a go! :-)

Anonymous said...

WTG, baby S. YOu didn't see anything else kicking around (lol). Does that mean it's a girl, or is it too early to tell?

Susan said...

Hope springs eternal. Praying for a successful transplant procedure.