Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Presby said

Well, I called Presby to get the "other" slides, and here's what they said.

"I da see Bordorf in my capuder. Speld dit gen, peas."

"B A L D A U F F"

"ya, Bordorf in noit in my capuder.

So I gave her the case number and she said.

"I gna has to tranfer zu coz I dudnt do lin node. Lin nodes are a spetzul depotment."

So I said okay.

And then the new lady said

"I can't get them to you by Thursday."

So, I said, "Okay, well, if you can, call, if not, could you please send them to the Cleveland Clinic at ... whenever you can? Thank you.

And I decided right then and there (after a nice conversation with my friend Kristen) that I am no longer going to micro-manage, fuss, worry, complain or be anxious about everything that goes wrong. Doing all of that doesn't change the circumstances, and chilling will change me. God is in charge, even when it looks like everything is going wrong. He's bigger, I'll let him fix it. Besides that, I'm tired, and not liking myself very much anymore.

So, make sure you all keep me accountable.


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