Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stem Cell Transplant Dr. Visit

Hi Friends & Family:

Well, we were with the doctor for 3 hours. I won't rehash the 3 hours worth of things we talked about, but the gist of it is as follows: The chemo and/or stem cell transplant (SCT) will not cure you. They just might give you an extra year or so....if Jim can get that far.

So. We're thinking maybe it's time to try those broccoli enemas. ;) At the very least, we're not so sure we'll even do a stem cell. Jim has to be cancer free for 2 months straight before they do the SCT. The chances of chemo bringing Jim into a full remission and him staying there for 2 months is slim. "When this type of cancer is systemic as yours is, Jim, remission or cure isn't likely." So we asked him. Well, let's just say that Jim does acheive NED (no evidence of disease) and can stay there 2 months, what will the SCT give him. His answer was, "it's extremely likely to come back. Very few get a cure. Sometimes it comes back months later, sometimes a year." Well, given the fact that it could take that long to recover from a stem cell transplant, what is the use?

So, we cried all day and went to bed. And I woke up smiling, excited about another day, as I usually do, and then I remember yesterday, and I'm a bit jittery. Jim's ready to take some of his brother Joe's advice and consider alternative medicine.

So pray for us, my jitters and Jim's everything. And pray for my son John and my daughter Leah. We don't want them to be sad. They are young and excited about things in their early married life, and that's the way we want them to be.

Love us


Mary said...


This is really...I don't know...really hard news. I'm going to continue to pray without cease and I'm going to ask my church to join me again.

I'm very stunned.

I rarely wake up excited about another day because I'm not in a good place and not doing God's will most daze. I wake up in fear. But this news seems to make my fears seem very very not important.

I love you guys.


Anonymous said...

Still praying...still trying to remember that God is sovereign in all this...still hoping for a miracle for God's glory and Jim's benefit.

Still sending love and prayers your way...

Pollyanna thought for the day: It's a blessing that someone told you this BEFORE going through SCT as opposed to after!

HOLD FAST! You know Satan wants to use this to start you a driftin'!

Much love,