Saturday, June 14, 2008


You know. I laugh at myself. Did you ever read something you wrote the next day and think....WHAT THE HECK.... Well, that was me. What was I saying. I know what I meant. It's in there. It's inside of me, and I can't seem to get it out in a way that is clear or concise.

My dear dear friend Rachel and I have a saying, after 15 years of an e-mail relationship. We say, "I hope I didn't Edith Bunker you." We can both ramble. Once again, I probably Edith Bunkered you. You have to know my style to know what I was saying. Again, I was feeling out loud, even if it didn't make sense to you.

But I bet Rachel knows what I mean. And if she were to write it, you would understand perfectly. Anyway, sorry if you were puzzled after reading my blog.



Rachel said...

I thought your entry was excellent and not confusing at all. Actually I sent it to a friend who needs the love of God, who has been through a lot of difficulties in her life. I think it speaks worlds to those who have suffered but maybe is lost on those who haven't so much. In any case, I thought it was profound.

Love you! I don't know what you possibly could do for Jim for Father's Day. I wish you both could be here. I made my famous lasagna for Gary! We're about to eat. YUM!
love you bunches!


Unknown said...

MMMMMM. I have heard about your famous lasagna for 15 years and still haven't had a piece. Woe is me....

Thanks for your encouragement. BTW, I love the pic of you and Gary.

For Father's Day, I went to the hospital and brought him fresh broccoli from the garden, and cut watermelon. I bought him a brand new tackle box at a garage sale, and I bought him a game and a small box of firecrackers for the kids in him. And he slept the whole 6 hours I was there. Rach, you know I don't sit. It was killing me. This hospital visiting and sitting stuff has me drained. And this will be the rest of our summer. I am very very weary. Thanks for the encouragement. I love you

Dan Baldauff said...

Hi Dolly and Jim, We're back from the wedding and missed you like crazy. Uncle Bill danced the mashed potatoes--of course -at the reception. Bob was there from Minn. The Baldauff presence was definately felt. Danny, Mikey and Davey were all groomsmen. The service was beautiful. Jesus was present so what else was needed. I'll email pix to you. God blessed us and we had a wonderful time but still that hole in our hearts MJB.

Unknown said...


I can't wait until we see the pics. I'm glad that you felt God's presence. That's what it's all about anyway. We sure would have loved to have been there though.

Send those pics. I live vicariously through people's pics.

Love Dolly