Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Don't worry...Be prayin'

Hi my beloved friends, family, brothers and sisters, and who knows, maybe someone who just ran into this.

We are fine. My lack of words lately and my sarcastic replies and such are most of you know, are me, when in the frying pan.

I just don't have much to say. I know God is good. I know that he's crucifying my flesh. I know the trials and discipline are for my good and His glory. I know he won't forsake me. I know even Jesus had to learn through suffering. I know who I am in Him. I know I know I know. I also feel feel feel. So, in light of my feelings and my knowings, what does one say but "don't worry, be prayin'"

I know that these temporal trials "yes, 47 years is temporary, lol" cannot even come close to the glory that will be revealed in us some day. And that glory will last forever, where trials won't.

I also know that in the midst of that God is whispering a love song to my soul, and if I could just shut up the angry flesh of self, selfishness, the world, etc., I might be able to listen, and who knows, even sing along.

I'm okay. I'm just isolating so I don't have to repeat the lies in my heart. And repeating the truth, while it may be a good thing to do to get it deeper and deeper within me, who wants to hear it and watch while Gloria has a mini temper tantrum? I don't even want to be around. LOL. (But pray for Jim. He can't escape me, poor fellow. I was impatient with him for playing a game too slow yesterday. One day after chemo. He was as graceful as usual...or scared. :) just kidding. (shut up hon)

So, don't worry, be prayin'



Rachel said...

We will pray!

We love you


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the tremendous amount of stress and pressure and worry that you wake up with every day. Please know that I/we am/are thinking of you both everyday... and praying for easier times. I am quilty of checking the blog everytime I get to log onto the computer, but this is my first comment. Please know that our family is praying for you both. Stay strong & continue getting better. Kelly

Anonymous said...

I think that you need to write a weekly checklist of things that you might need help with. That would give us all a chance to pitch in (which we REALLY want to do).

Unknown said...

I don't know who you are anonymous...But thank you so much for your offer.

The first thing I would like you to do is to go and have my mamogram for me. You're the best. ;)

Mary said...

Well, sorry I missed your call :( Would love to talk to you. Have some serious spiritual issues to discuss with you - as usual.

Please tell me where I can find some helegies here in da burgh??

Well, I'll try calling again someday soon. Or call me ne time - I'm car-less again and so I'm grounded and I'm OK with that. God will get me to *sit and be still* one way or another!

Love yinz! Still praying daily!

Rachel said...

Just wondering how you all are doing? Been thinking about you.


Dan Baldauff said...

I've been checking but news is the same. We're gearing up for the roof job. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I read something simple but weighty today- Psalm 23 -David says the Lord is my shepherd(My Shepherd) not just the shepherd. I know that you know He is leading You . Those green pastures are just ahead. Love and prayers,Joe and MJB.