Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chocolate cake with pepto bismol icing

Hi everyone:

Sorry for not blogging or not calling, but life has been crazy again.

Since Jim's 5th chemo on May 5th, he's been sick every single day with one thing or another. At first it was the ordinary chemo stuff, but then he started getting a fever, and it never went away and then it just got worse. And he's having pain again. I'll save you the LONG STORY as to why we are changing Oncologists even though he has only 1 chemo treatment left. Suffice it so say that they were the pitts. Anyway, about chocolate cake with pepto bismol icing...

That's what yesterday was like. First of all, there is nothing like being a Baldauff. I discover that more and more and more as I experience the love of this family. Our gutters were not working and we had a leak in the roof and other issues, and this was the year Jim was going to repair some things, but alas got sick. So, Bill decided we needed a new roof, (and we did) so 20 or so Baldauffs and brides (and a few non-Baldauffs) converged on our lawn yesterday with ladders, tools and shingles, and put us up a new roof. I will blog about that later and include some pictures. ( I love you guys so much. It was just unbelievable....) The day was like chocolate cake to a dieting woman with PMS. The pepto bismol icing is that after 21 days of Jim being sick, he's back in the hospital and we don't know what is wrong with him...but they are looking, including the possibility that his cancer is back. (small chance, but still scary)

Also, Jim's pay is cut in half now, and a small check that I collect an early pension from (long story) is likely to be stopped. Got that by certified mail yesterday while the roof was going up, and we were on the phone with our PCP about Jim going to the hospital again.

Could you all please pray for us. We are pressed in, tired, lonely, gonna be broke, in pain, etc. We still have our game face, but we are just so tired. Jim said he would rather die than this continue. He doesn't want to die, but he's been through so much.

So, I'm going to visit him and bring him some of the lasagna we made for yesterday. We didn't get to enjoy the fellowship of all of our wonderful family, and I feel so robbed of that.

I picked up shingle pieces, nails, staples, etc. and squirted and swept, etc. debris all day, and I'm beat. They did pretty a very good job cleaning up, and tiptoeing through the tulips. So, my flowers and gardens are looking good, still, and I thank God for his beauty and ask for his mercy. "Tired" is the only word that comes to mind. And Pepto Bismol. I know this stuff in life is for our good (like Pepto Bismol) but who wants it???

Awwwwwww, but that chocolate cake was delicious. Thanks my wonderful family.



Robert P Synowiec said...
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Robert P Synowiec said...

Aunt Dolly and Uncle Jim,

It was an honor to be able to help on your house! What a blessing it is for Uncle Jim to have such a strong godly wife on his side! When most would have already given up, and cashed in the chips you have stood strong and continue to do what it takes to hold it all together. Your family has been, and continues to be in our prayers. It is sometimes so hard to see God's purpose and plan through all the pain like the tragedy that just occurred to the Steven Curtis Chapman Family. How do we as Christians even begin to understand how something like that could happen, but in the end God does not always ask us to understand but to have faith like a child! I cannot even begin to put my arms around the pain and fear that you both have experienced throughout this time, but I do remember how I felt when my mom was in the hospital and we didn't know if she would live or die! By the grace of God and with all of the prayers she got better. I hope and pray that someday soon we will all be rejoicing in Uncle Jim's full recovery.

I think I speak for all of my cousins when i say that Uncle Jim has been a rule model for us. Growing up he was the coolest Uncle Ever! (No offense to all of my other way cool Uncles) From the beginning when he would show us how to play "Kings Quest" on his state of the art "IBM computer" or play and sing songs by request on his keyboard in the basement of grandma's house. He always found a way to make us feel wanted and special! As we grew up he would hang out with us at the cabin in the summer and hunting in the fall and winter. I know that I/We all look up to Uncle Jim and cherish the time spent with him. I have so many good memory's with you guys and hope to have many more. You both have been such a positive influence in my life and I thank God for you both.

Bob Synowiec Jr

Philippians 4:4-7
4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Unknown said...

Nephew Bob:

What a wonderful, kind, encouraging, loving note to receive today. You have lifted my spirits with your words of love. I'm sure Uncle Jim will be blessed by these words as well, as soon as he can get out of the hospital to read them. I know he was humbled and blessed by your and the rest of the family's actions of love towards us. God Bless you and keep you safe out there.

Love Aunt Dolly