Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Everybody out of bullets?

I guess you all are more into mercy praying rather than mercy slaying, eh???? Funny, aren't I?

Well, they admitted Jim into the hospital again. This makes it the 6th or 7th time in less than a year...not counting the knee surgery. Did I tell you that I know the cafeteria's menu for most days? Pathetic, huh?

His temp was high, and his white blood count was 1.2. They can't give him a Neupigin shot, which would increase his while blood cell count because he had the Neulastin shot last week (you know, the $25,000.00 shot that lasts 14 days that keeps your white blood cell count up, that doesn't seem to be working this week) so they are putting him on stronger antibiotics. He is aching like all heck because his bone marrow is trying to produce the white blood cells that his body needs, but I guess with the infection, everything is having a battle in there.

So, what is it that makes me more sad, scared, angry, tired, wondering....(fill in the blank, cause I feel it all) Is it:

My poor dear husband has to go through more pain OR
If my poor dear husband moans one more time, I'm going to scream?

I'm so thankful for health insurance OR
Another $250.00 hospital co-pay...yippee?

This is almost over OR
Will this every end?

When will Jim ever get back to work OR
Will Jim have a job to go back to?

How high will the price of gas go up to? (I just had to throw that one in there) :)

Like I said, I struggle with them all. To think that Jim cut some of the lawn 2 days after chemo last time and he's back in the hospital. It's all so draining.

As you read what I wrote you might be asking...
Will she ever stop moaning?

Sorry. I don't mean to moan. I'm just so tired. All I do is work work work, take care of sick people and then work some more, with an occasional vedging out on Settlers of Catan online. I have gained 10 pounds from eating anything that doesn't eat me, and if I weren't soooooooooo darn ornery, I swear this would beat me and make me throw in the towel (I have no idea what that would look like, however.)

Ok, I'm done yapping. Shhhh, what's that I hear at 2:51 am????Oh, it's the grass growing. Well, I better get to bed. I have lots of work to do tomorrow.

Ok ok. I know. I said I would stop yapping.

The "me" of the "us"


Anonymous said...

Can we help? I cut a mean lawn!

Unknown said...

YESSSSSSSS. I have a mean lawnmower. LOL. I would help. Today, I cut logs and carried them out to the curb, and worked my butt off, so I wouldn't leave it all for you. But I sure could use some help. We still have 2 months of chemo treatments and such, so if you're busy right now, there is still time...unfortunately. Thanks Tom. Look what you did. You made me cry.

Aunt Dolly