Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jim is still in the hospital

...and he's not doing very well.  I just got a call that they are taking him down for a special test, that he might have a bloodclot in his lung or something.  I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore, but if you do, pray for Jim's comfort.  I'm going in.

Friday, September 20, 2013

I guess I can't quit even if I want.

Hi family and friends

I guess it's still easy to post here than to let everyone know how Jim is doing.

Also, much to my surprise, this has become my calendar of sorts, so that I can determine what happened when sometimes.

Well, Jim is in the hospital.  Here's why.

This summer has been horrendous in just too many ways.  Hand surgeries, pain, work, pain, break down on the way home from the cottage, van no good, collapsed ceiling, broken toe, dealing w/ insurance, the plaster that's been repaired bubbled, the painter then can't paint and can't come until November, bible study started and there are now 38 women in my class (yikes)  and blah blah blah.  Is it any wonder that we are so stressed out and that this stressed cause Jim to get shingles.

Well, he's in the hospital.  He's in so much pain cause of the shingles, he's on tons of dilauded.  The nurse is being a witch.  His neutrophil count is dangerous at 400, and the blood doctor hasn't been in to see him, and it's a Friday, which means nothing often gets done at the hospitals on weekends.  They wanted to give him a nerve block but can't because of his blood issues, including the perpetual low platelet count.

20 mins later.  I just got off the phone w/ the doctor to "ask" that he be put on neupogen because of his neutrophil count which is dangerously low.  His witch nurse is gonna be in trouble.

Anyway, please pray that this insanity stops.  I don't know how many times I've said I can't take anymore, and apparently, there is no end to what Jim and I can take.  So, I'm changing it, but I don't know to what.  Any suggestions?
